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whew- while i was writing a thank you for 100 read im at 100+ reads right now- y'all amaze me thank you guys so much! I still have a long way to go with my writing skills but thank you guys for bearing with my horrible writing :) also please give me ideas on what to do for this book because i'm slowly running out of ideas lmfaooo, like how do you want him to confess- or what kind of dates do yall wanna go on? or what you want to do with the squad? let me know so i can possibly make them happen! -v <3

whew- while i was writing a thank you for 100 read im at 100+ reads right now- y'all amaze me thank you guys so much! I still have a long way to go with my writing skills but thank you guys for bearing with my horrible writing :) also please give ...

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you jolted up from your sleep.


you turned off the tv and rolled your eyes, sluggishly. this is like, what? your 5th time waking up to the same person screaming on your tv while you were peacefully dreaming about you and your favorite person having fun somewhere without the worries of responsibilities and the trials and tribulations of life. you reached over for your phone and turned it on. you jerked your phone back immediately while the light illuminated on your face

"GOD DAMN!" you whispered loudly as you squinted your eyes and pressed your head back on your pillow as far as it could go. after a couple of seconds, you brought the phone a little bit closer to your face so you could read the time.

'4:59' you thought to yourself as you laid back down and snuggled up in your covers.

'i can sleep for a fe-'

your phone rang. you groaned and tossed and turned, hoping the call would go away. but it didn't. right after it stopped, right after you thought that your peace and quiet came, the phone rang again. you rubbed you tired and still sleepy eyes while groaning and grabbing your phone off of the night stand to see who the entire population of hell was calling you at five o'clock in the night.

'quincy <3'

you answered the facetime call and stared at the phone.

"y/nnnn! heyyy girl how's U- oh...." quincy had a disoriented look on her face while she examined what was on her screen. "girl, your bonnet is falling off your head-"

"i know." you said with the screen being the majority of your nose and some of the top of your head.

"OUH- did you just wake up!? n/n i'm so sorry i can call back la-"

"quince i'm already up it doesn't matter." you said with a slightly agitated face.

"no no no i can ha-"

"quincy, just say what you have to say!" you said in a hushed tone.

"alright! how's your school? have you moved into the dorms yet?" she asked while she climbed in her bed and layed down.

"school has been cool and all. and no, i haven't moved into the dorms yet, but i -" you yawned. "i will today."

"how are they boys at school?"

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