Charm: S-U

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☀Salvio Hexia

☁ SAL-vee-oh  HECKS-ee-ah

❄ protects against hexes.


☀ Scorching Spell (Tripudio Flammae)

☁ Incantation unknown

❄ produces dancing flames which presumably scorch the opponent.


☀ Sealant Charm (Prope Oppansum)

☁ Incantation unknown

❄ magically seals envelopes


☀ Silencio

☁ sih-LEN-see-oh

❄ makes something silent.


☀ Sonorous Charm (Exsurdo Rugiet)

☁ Incantation unknown

❄ emits a magnified roar from the tip of the wand. This noise disrupts all in its path and can even be used to harm opponents. 


☀ Sonorus

☁ soh-NOHR-uhs

❄ makes the target sound louder. 


☀ Specialis Revelio

☁ spe-see-AL-is  reh-VEL-ee-oh

❄ reveals spells cast on objects or potions.


☀ Spongify

☁ SPUN-ji-fye

❄ softens objects, making them rubbery and bouncy. 


☀ Stealth Sensoring Spell (Adapertio)

☁ Incantation unknown

❄ detects those under magical disguise.


☀ Stupefy


❄ stuns the target, rendering them unconscious.


☀ Supersensory Charm (Praevalidus Sensum)

☁ Incantation unknown

❄ grants the caster to have enhanced sense, or to be able to sense things they would not normally sense.



☀ Tarantallegra

☁ ta-RON-ta-LEG-gra

❄ makes a target's legs spasm wildly out of control, making it appear as though they are dancing. 


☀ Teeth-Straightening Spell (Recta Mordices)

☁ Incantation unknown

❄ straightens crooked teeth.


☀ Tergeo

☁ TUR-jee-oh

❄ siphons liquid and cleans objects.



☀ Unbreakable Charm (Indissolubili)

☁ Incantation unknown

❄ makes objects unbreakable.

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