Happy with you- Happier part 2

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I hum. "Up." I remark, Shadow jumping the hurdle with ease. "Good, good." I hear footsteps. "Ah, Xylo. And Shadow." I glance over. "Hey Mario." I turn to Shadow. "You can take a break buddy." He neighs, before wondering off. I turn to Mario. "What brings you by?" He hums. "I wanted to see you!" He smiles. "It's been a while." I nod. "That is your fault yes." We laugh. He hums. "So what's changed around camp?" I hum. "Well obviously I expanded my cabin. Overall I did a few clean ups. Renewed the path. Cleaned up the destruction of the summer. I redid the mess hall. I of course made a ring for the horses." I gesture. "I think that's about all. Most of the rest of my time is doing other things like learning Japanese." He hums. "I actually know loose Japanese." I nod. "I think you've told me that." He laughs. "I did. When you asked how I could watch anime without subtitles." I look up. "Oh yeah." He laughs and I can't help but chuckle along. He eyes me. "How did your jacket get ripped?" I look at it before looking at it. "Are you really asking me of all people that?" He pauses. "Fair point." I chuckle. "Well what's your plan now?" He questions. I hum. "Well I was just training Shadow a little. I was going to go speak with Mania as she's back in camp with Davis." I remark. "Uh, then probably practice my Japanese." I shrug. "Why? You wanna do something?" I question. He smiles. "I just wanted hang out since I just got back." He tilts his head slightly. Holy fuck rants cute. I hum. "If you'd like." I turn, snapping my fingers. Shadow turns. He trots over. "You wanna go back to the stables buddy?" I question. He neighs. "Go join Diaval in the stables okay? I'll send some shade apples your way." He nieghs before flying off. "Shade apples?" Mario questions. I hum, straighten my posture. "It's a special type of apple from the neather realms. Their his favorite and one of the few things he can eat as a skeleton." He laughs. "That sounds cool!" I nod. We walk off. I find Mania at the bridge. "Nē mania!" I greet. She turns. "Xylo?" She laughs. "Mario." She greets. "Since when can you speak Japanese?" She turns to me. I hum. "I'm still learning." I shrug. Mania laughs. Mario hums. "I left him alone for a month or two and hes went crazy." Mania laughs. "Has always been crazy." She looks around. "Are you two excited for Winter?" Mario hums. "Yeah! Just not excited about having the holidays with my step father." I chuckle. Before my eyes glance up. "I'll probably decorate my Cabin..." I shrug, eyes Looking at the flowers. "Oh yeah..." Mania mumbles. I turn. "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm glad to stay here and keep up with the camp." I smile softly. Mario hums. "I'm scared to leave you alone again. Who knows what you'll do next." I grin. "I do! After I'm fluent in Japanese my next plan is to learn how to read Hieroglyphics." Mania and Mario look at each other. "Jesus Christ Xylo." Mario finally says. I laugh. "So how good are you at Japanese?" Mania questions. I hum. "Ē to, watashi wa chōdo hanashi hajimeru to omoimasu. Watashi wa hadesu no musuko no zairodesu. Watashi wa minashigo de, dōseiai-shadesu." ((Uh, I guess I'll just start talking. I'm Xylo, the son of Hades. And I'm gay.) Something along those lines.) Her eyes widen before she smiles. "Oh!" Mario turns to me. "That's insane." I chuckle. "Uh, yeah... I have... a lot of Free time." I shrug. Mario hums. "Anything else i should know about you?" I glance up. "What wouldn't you already know..." I look down. "I can do sign language." Their eyes widen. "Holy shit." Mania says. I laugh lightly. "Again, I've had a lot of free time..." Mario hums. "I did know that." He smiles at me. "Whatever makes you happy! Just make sure your sleeping." He remarks. I hum. "I'm trying." I shrug. He sighs. I perk up. "You guys want to see my new Cabin?" Mania blinks. "New Cabin?" I nod. "How much did I miss?" She laughs. Mario shrugs. "Xylo works when bored. And apparently he got a cabin, and expanded it." I hum. "And did all the landscaping around it, with the help of Coleus of course so I don't hurt any plants." They blink. I hum, pushing open the door. They look around at the space. The walls were still the classic wood. The ground had a black carpet. My bed was in the corner, it was purple with purple drapes. I had a desk, book case. All that cool stuff. "This is sweet." Mario remarks. Mania sits in my purple desk chair. "Thanks." I smile softly. Mario leans on the wall. "You do this all yourself?" I hum. "No, Kay helped me." I had black curtains over my windows. Giving the room a dark glow. I stand, moving to do them back. "How have you been Mania?" I question. She hums. "Oh, well. Uh, Davis and I actually are still together. Having cleared up the whole, demon thing." I nod, smiling. "I'm glad." My smile hurt, knowing how fake it is. We chat a little when there's a knock on my door. "Come in." I call. It's Kay, she slithers in. Before pausing. "Am I intrupting something?" I shake my head. "What's up Snake Lady?" She huffs. Before tossing her sword at me. I catch it with ease, looking at the firey blade. Which was broken. I sigh. "Kay." She huffs. "How would I know a water blast would damage it so much?" I huff. "Common sense!" Mario nods. "He dies have a fair point." Mania giggles. I hum, sitting it on the chest. "That'll take a while to fix. Try to use a different weapon for the time being." She nods. "Your fixing weapons again?" Mario questions. I nod. "Mhm. Well the only forge like demi gods we have here is Dran, who is currently perusing his dreams of Baking. And Solis, who doesn't exactly know a lot yet." Mania smiles. "I'm happy Dran is doing his thing." I nod. "Yeah. I used to forge all the time. Until Kay took down my forge." Kay takes in a sharp breath. "Yeah... Let's not talk about that time." I chuckle. "Seriously Xylo. What have I told about limiting yourself?" Mario remarks. I look down. "That I don't have to be perfect..." He sighs. "Seriously Xylo. Just take a break now and then." I hum. "Can we talk about this later?" He sighs, nodding. "If you want."

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