Table fun (Part 2)

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And again sorry if I repeated things.

Henry had his knees and hands on the floor and his head in between William's legs. Henry still had his little friend out and never bothered to put it back behind his underpants because he knew later on he had to take off his pants anyways to change into his pjs so it was hanging out of his pants.

William leaned forward and leaned his head on his hand with the elbow on the table and with the other hand, he used it to tap on the table like he was impatient (which he was) and sighed.

Henry heard the tapping on the table and knew that meant William was getting bored. So he did what he had to do.

He pushed William's shirt up and put his face first on top of William's stomach and started to kiss around it. William jumped a little with surprise and grunted.

Henry then used his hands quickly to take off both William's pants and underpants down to his ankles. William gasped and then smirked. Henry saw his target but didn't want to go there immediately so he ran his fingers up and down William's legs and then ran it up to his thighs.

Henry then started to lick William's ankle and traveled his tongue to his knee. Henry started to kiss and lick his knee and it made William moan. Then Henry moved on to his thigh. As he moved to the thigh he moved his fingers to William's hips. Henry saw that William wasn't hard yet though and it was sometimes difficult for Henry to make William hard. But there was always a way Henry found to do it. So Henry moved toward around the part just below his stomach which was one of William's weak spots. He licked around it and kissed it to and he did it fastly too. And in a second William got hard and Henry was satisfied.

William grabbed the sides of the table and moaned. Henry pulled out of the part below his stomach to look at the view. But it was suddenly blocked by William's legs.

William wanted to have a little fun when it was Henry's turn. Henry sighed. Not this again. Henry said in his head. William felt Henry's hands try to open his legs wide to continue his voyage around the view. But William was a bit stronger than Henry so William used all his strength to keep his legs close together. Henry also used all his strength to widen his legs apart.

When William thought he had enough teasing with Henry he finally loosened the strength he was using with his legs and Henry finally had his legs far apart from each other.

William chuckled. "I love it when your so desperate for me." Henry blushed.

Henry waited too long for his turn so he immediately started sucking William's friend rapidly. "AAHHHH" William moaned at the sudden action. He grabbed the sides of the table harder. Henry continued to suck and with licks in between.

William then thrusted into Henry's mouth and made Henry gag a little. William moaned some more and started thrusting more and faster. "Mmmm" William said. He loved the feeling of his friend inside Henry's mouth and he loved the feeling of Henry's tongue licking around it too. He wanted the feeling to last longer but he knew eventually it had to end.

William gripped on to the table harder. "AhAhaHahahAHAh" William moaned as he came into Henry's mouth. When William was finally done, Henry pulled William's friend out of his mouth, swallowed the cum, and gasped for air.

William let go of the table and sat back in his chair, gasping for air also. After a minute, William slipped down the table to where Henry was sitting who was still panting. "You did great love!" William said as he touched Henry's cheek. Henry smiled.

William then took off his clothes. Henry was heating up as he saw William's whole naked body in front of him. And he started to sweat as he just realized he was undressing himself as well. As they were both finished undressing, William pushed Henry's lips into his.

William put his legs around Henry's waist and pulled him closer. They sat so close to each other they felt each other's friends next to each other and they both loved it when they were together, touching each other. William ran his fingers up and down Henry's back as Henry ran his fingers on William's legs. They kept kissing and kissing. And next they started creating love bites on each other.

William pulled out and ended the make out. He released his legs from Henry's waist and laid on the floor on his side. Henry laid close to William, his back to William's nice chest. William wrapped his arms around Henry and kissed his neck.

"I love you Henry."

"I love you too William."

And they both fell asleep under the table.

800+ words in this story. I hope you enjoyed all the stories so far! I'm trying my best to write them as good as possible. And thank you for reading them it makes me really happy that people are actually reading my stories!!

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