Chapter 1: Undeniable Hatred.

Start from the beginning

"Can't even win a fight. How pathetic." He sneered.

Just as you rose to your feet jumping forward trying to swing your arms at his face, several people were pulling you back, including slughorn. He did seem quite hoplesly confused, he was new and cleary didn't understand the usual conflict between you and Malfoy.

"FUCK YOU MALFOY!" You screamed, still trying to fight the pulling restraints of your classmates.

"Oh wouldn't you be so lucky!" He spat while examining his cauldren so casually as if nothing had happened, whilst sharing a nasty grin with blaise , who to was sniggering silently.

Pulled back to your cauldren the restraining hands left your arms, and you looked back at Draco angrily.

"Miss y/n, you do recognize that I must give you a detention for this yes? Sabotaging another students work is not class rules you know-" Slughorn said with pity visibly showing through.

"But sir! Malfoy's the one who sabotaged mine-" You complained in disbelief.

"Now miss y/n we can't prove that he had anything to do with it." He said eyeing up Malfoy as he did.

Draco gave an absent grin as slughorn  turned back to face you, so that only you would see.

"However-" Trailed slughorn. "Mr Malfoy you too will receive a detention for engaging in class fighting." The grin on his face quickly disappeared and he shot you an annoyed glance.

"I shall see to it Professor Snape see's your punishment over."

"Whatever-" Came a quiet groan from Dracos desk. You rolled your eye and begun chopping ingredients for a new batch of potion.

By the end of the class you hadn't been successful in brewing the potion, but of course the only person who had been was Hermione; she had been your best friend since first year. Slytherins and Gryffindors weren't usually ones to get along but the two of you made quite the bond. Starting off when your hate for Draco Malfoy came up in conversation.

"Come on y/n" Said Hermione softly. "We've got transfiguration next!"
You packed up your remaining potions books and piled them into your bag. Hermione stood at the door waiting for you.

Just as you both walked out of the classroom a large shoulder pushed past yours. Draco strode past, and down the hallway. You tried to lung forwards once more but Hermione had already grabbed you, pulling you backwards.

"Stop it y/n! He's just looking for a reaction."

"Well that's what he's gonna get if he doesn't pack up his fucking egotistic mouth-" You spat through gritted teeth.

Draco turned around from his spot, clearly having heard what you said. Withing seconds he had made his way back up to you, and pushed you against the corridor wall in front of everyone.

He held you against the wall with his forearm pressed against you upper chest, making sure you couldn't get away.

"Let me go you-!"
"Or what." He spoke menacingly.
"You can't do anything slut." His voice was dripping in cold force.

He raised his wand to your throat, still keeping you pinned against the wall with his other arm. Your eyes widened and you tried to struggle your way out, but it was useless.

Draco was about a foot taller than you, and much more powerful. The mass of his muscular body was the only thing you could see in front line view.

"DRACO LET HER GO!" Shouted Hermione in shock.

"Shut your mouth mudblood." He sneered glaring back at her for a few seconds, which had the desired effect as she took a few steps back out of fear.

Draco planted his stormy grey eyes back on yours and tilted your chin upwards with his wand to face him. You hadn't noticed how close he was standing against your body- in front of all these people.

"Now- do you want out of this grip yet?" He spoke not showing any remorse.

"Get off me Malfoy!" You struggled to say out, as his wand was pushing harder into your chin. The skin in which was being abused started stinging, causing redness to stir in your eyes.

Your vision went slightly out of focus as the tears were threatening to fall, but you weren't going to let Malfoy see you cry. Fighting against the growing pain against his wand you attempted to restand your ground.

"Let- me- go- Draco-"

His grip only tightened on his wand, forcing it harder into your burning skin.

"That's not very polite is it now cortia- say please. Or don't. It's up to you." His voice was filled with venom and he wasn't showing any signs of backing down.

"N-no" You spluttered, the tears swelling in your eyes becoming much more noticeable.

He took a moment to study you- not kindly. He studied the pain your skin was in, and your staggering breathing.

You heart was racing so fast that your could feel the beating in your finger tips. Without a thought you blinked still keeping eye contact with him, and felt a warm tears roll down your cheek.

For whatever reason, dracos grip against his wand and your chest loosened, giving you air to breath properly. He looked you in the eyes still with no signs of remorse, and let you go. He lowers his wand, keeping it by his side and he stood back from you.

"Carful y/n. Next time you might actually get hurt." He growled, and examined the many stunned faces of students who had gathered to watch.

"Don't you all have something better to do?" He yelled over the silent Hall. All at once students started hurrying away and keeping their heads down, in attempt not to draw attention.

Hermione rushed over to you, as your shaking body pressed against the wall for support.

"Are you alright y/n?" She said panicking and grabbing your head to see the deep bruised mark on your chin. "I'm- I'm sorry- I wanted to do something- I really did."

"It's fine Hermione. I'm fine alright?" You spoke defensively whilst trying to stand up straight. Malfoy had disappeared from sight.

"Are you sure? We should go to Madame Pomfry-" She said trying to help you up.

"No it's fine!" You said whilst rubbing the bottom of your bruised chin and whipping away tears on your face.

"Let's just get to class Hermione. I already have one detention I don't want another."

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