Chapter 1. Homecoming core.

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Space was awful. It was cold, and tiring, and endless, and devoid of any noise (aside from the neverending blabbering of the Space core). Wheatley had long lost count of the days he'd spent floating around in this empty nothingness. But this day.. it seemed different, in a good way. Today, his backup batteries would've finally given up, and he'd drift into unconsciousness forever. It was terrifying, come to think of it, but, neverthless, seemed good enough for him now.
Sooner than later, his optic finally closed as he mumbled a 'goodbye' to no one in particular.

He was very surprised to open his eye once again, and even more so to be stunned by blinding whiteness that hit his vision. He had just a few seconds to adapt and accept the fact that he was, indeed, alive, when a familiar female voice scrathed him. "Oh, you're awake. It's about time. I was starting to think that bringing you back was completely pointless"
He cringed. But of course.. Now that he could see clearly, he did really recognize some blacks and yellows and even occassional reds of Her massive chassis. And it meant nothing good for him. And, to summarise everything that happened after, he was right about that.

He'd gone through lot of horrible things: a year in incinerator, anotger year in cryosleep, and now, his final destination: android hell.
Dozens of robotic voices were screaming at him, reprimanding and just downright insulting him. The voices seemed to make the room shake and buzz with the noise. It seemed to have just PERFECT acoustics and, to top it all off, was also devoid of anything else: just an empty dark acoustically-perfect room with lots of stationary robots screaming at him. The definition of hell.
He closed his optic, pulling both handles close as possible and trying to phase out. Fruitlessly. GLaDOS made sure he wouldn't be able to enter sleep mode nor have his battery run down, which, combined with the fqct that he was, of course, off the rail, meant no escape for him.

He tried to keep track of the days to stay at least somewhat sane, but it didn't help too much. Besides, the small number of the days wasn't reassuring at all: the Central Core 'kindly' told him that he'd have to be there for ten years, no less.

One of the days, however, was completely different. He heard a noise unlike any other he'd heard in the chamber, it being a soft mechanical buzzing. He turned to face the sound, only to see a maintenance arm stretch out to pick him up. He couldn't believe his luck. He was even completely ignorant of the fact that it meant GLaDOS, most likely, got bored after he stopped resisting, and had other torture planned: he would be content with anything else, if only it meant leaving the chamber.

And just on his way up and out, the arm crushed him, sinking it's claws into the sides of his metal shell. It was painful like death, and he felt the claws damaging the power supply system. It made him black out.

When he woke up, he was still in complete darkness, although he could swear that he wasn't in sleep mode. The familiar stale coldness washed over him, and he shivered: he was in the Cryosleep wing, again. But a 'beep' noise cut any thoughts off before he could even start thinking them, and the female voice he had been afraid of for almost as long as he remembered rang through the room. "Ah, so you're awake. Perfect. Since your previous job was to take care of the test subjects, this question should be easy even for sucha moron as yourself: what's the best, most fascinating thing about humans?"

Wheatley was put in confusion, so much that he didn't even object at being called a moron. There probably was a right answer she specifically wanted to hear, but he had no idea what it could be, so he opted to just go through the options he knew. "Well, uh, binocular vision, for starters? You know, it must be really convenient to have two eyes instead of one.. What else.. Well.. Taste! And smell! It should feel really good to have those, too.. For science and analyzing, you know?. And also, uh, LIMBS! With all these fingers to push buttons and legs to wear boots? No? Uh, what else.."
"Do you find those features fascinating?"
Wheatley was startled to be cut off. "Um, yeah?" He definitely wasn't a fan of humans and their organic gross mass, but some features did seem very promising. "Why would you ask?"
"Statistics. Aperture thanks you for taking part in the survey. Oh, and your opinion was incorrect, by the way. The appropriate answer is having the capability for dying"

Of course it was, it's GLaDOS they're talking about.. And with that, she seemed to disconnect. Oh well. Wheatley could feel being forced back into sleep mode. Something seemed.. wrong about this sudden 'survey'. But it seeme he wouldn't be able to tell until he'd awake again.

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