Chapter Forty-Four

Beginne am Anfang

"But you showered last night."

"So call me obsessive compulsive," she shoots back. "It's not like cleanliness ever killed anyone."

This is my chance. If I can convince her to reschedule, it will buy me more time with Jordan before going to the police. "Maybe we should see Dr. Wilder next week? That way you and Dad don't have to readjust your schedules."

"Don't you worry about our schedules. Your father's already at the hospital making rounds, and I pushed back a meeting I didn't want to go to anyway. See? Everything's taken care of." She swings her legs over the side of the bed and flips the switch on her lamp. A cone of pale light illuminates the room.

I squint and look away. "It's not a big deal. I'll even stay home from school until we can make a new appointment."

Mom lets out another breath. "We're not rescheduling. The sooner we can address this, the better." She readjusts herself until she's facing me, and her voice grows softer. "Are you nervous? Is that what this is all about?"

"No." I push myself to a sitting position and brush back the tangles of hair from my face. "I just don't think it's an emergency, is all. You and Dad have important jobs and I think that should come first."

"You come first." Mom leans closer and squeezes my knee. "But I do need to get moving. If I hurry, I can make you breakfast before I leave. Would you like that?"

Something inside me sinks. Tears press against the back of my eyes but I blink them away before they can fall. "I'm not hungry."

"Make sure you eat today, okay? It's not healthy to skip meals. You need to keep your strength up."

Mom rushes into the bathroom and closes the door behind her, leaving me alone with my thoughts. When she turns on the shower, the sound of running water sails across the room.

My heart flutters, a rapid movement behind my rib cage that refuses to let up. But this isn't the time to panic. I need to keep my head straight, not let the anxiety control me. Stick to the plan.

The mattress dips as Cooper jumps onto the bed, his white fur standing on end as he brushes himself along my leg. When I give him a scratch behind the ear, a purr rumbles inside his throat. "Sorry I took your spot last night. Where'd you end up sleeping?" He usually follows Mom to bed, but this is the first I've seen him since before I came upstairs.

The purring grows louder as I continue his massage. "Are you hungry?"

I scoop Cooper into my arms and stand, when a vibration against the bedside table makes me pause.

A text message.

Tingles rush over my scalp as I set Cooper back on the bed and swipe up my phone. Jordan Pacey's name hovers on the screen.

omg, im sry!!! call me as soon as u wake up

My eyes dart to the bathroom door, my ears honing in on the steady rush of water. Mom's still in the shower. She doesn't usually take long, and there's no way I want her eavesdropping on my conversation.

I race down the stairs as Cooper trails after me, the tiny bell on his collar jingling with every step. The phone rings twice before Jordan answers.

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