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your pov 😩

Halfway asleep i continue to play more episodes.

On what? My favorite anime of course, Disastrous Life Of Saiki K! It's pretty cool,

As you can see I'm a weird little boy-

I'm a gay anime simp.

Anyways I'm hungry hbu?






i wonder what I'm gonna eat today? MAYBE A SANDWICH!

yeah that sounds good! i hop off my bed and stretch and pop my ugly ass fingers.

And head to the kitchen, taking the ingredients to make a lame ass sandwich.

But once i take a bite my head hurts "what the hell did i put in this sandwich-"

the pain just leaves and comes back again.

It hurts so much...

i walk to my bed regretting eating the nasty ass sandwich, but im pretty sure the cheese was molded.

i need to go to a doctor- *BAM* i passed out 😃

i see people do this 🤡

Word Count: 152

kusuo s. X male r.Where stories live. Discover now