Prologue: He who Purifies God and Exorcises the Devil

Începe de la început

It was around 2 hours since the surgery began, as it started before it came. Even though this is how long an average surgery is, it was still on the low side. According the the doctor, his wife had a huge car crash.

"Does that mean..." 

As Touya's face paled, fearing the inevitable, the same doctor from before came out of the room. Touya without waiting for a response, frantically went to the doctor, asking him various questions.

The doctor overwhelmed by the questions, simply raised his hand, quieting the panicking man. However, this didn't help that fact that he was constantly fidgeting while biting his lips over and over again. 

The doctor looked towards Touya's eyes with a stern look.

"Kamijou Touya..."

Touya gulped, while praying on the inside.

'God please. Give my wife and child another chance. I will offer anything if you do!' He was squeezing his eyes while thinking.

But because of that, he didn't notice the doctor... smiling.

"...Your wife and child... will both survive!"

'Oh God... please, save the-' "Eh?"

Touya wasn't sure if he spoke those words out on his thoughts or out loud. But he could care less about that right now.

"Could... could you repeat that?"

The doctor gladly responded, "Your wife, as well as your baby within her stomach will both live. No... they will be in perfect condition! It's a miracle. Never in my 18 years as a doctor did this ever happen!"

Touya didn't skip a beat as he asked his doctor, "Can... can I go please see my wife? No... I MUST see her!"

The doctor nodded as he started to walk, while Touya followed behind.

They soon arrived in front of a glass window, with his wife sleeping peacefully. There were some blood as well as minor injuries here and there, but she was overall fine. If it weren't for them, one would mistaken her as just a person sleeping.

Touya didn't even realize tears dropping from his face. The doctor was about to ask if he is okay, but was interrupted by a bowing Touya.

"Thank you... thank you... thank you..."

Those were the words we muttered over and over again. 

The doctor nodded, accepting the gratitude he got from the husband. However, the doctor was thinking about something else, "I am happy for the husband... but this is too big of a miracle. There was not a single vital injuries anywhere on her body. No... forget vital injuries, all she got were a few cracked bones and burns here and there. The crash was quite large, resulting in a huge explosion to boot. Thanks to that, even the baby survived without any side effects. Could this... really all just be a coincidence?"

Neither Touya nor the doctors realized. That in the end, the one who saved Kamijou Shiina... was the baby boy within Shiina's womb. 


January 20th, 4:11 AM

Touya was walking back and forth, in front of his wife's medical room. He wasn't this nervous since the last time his wife was in the hospital.

It was about 40 minutes since his wife was in the room. Then finally a nurse came out of the room with a happy smile.

"Congratulations, you have a healthy baby boy!"

Touya beamed as he begged the nurse for him to see the boy. The nurse nodded happily as she let him in the room in front of his wife.

She was sleeping, probably because he was tired. Giving birth isn't a small feat.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but chuckle. It gave him sense of Deja vu from the previous time his wife was hospitalized. But the Deja vu wasn't bad, but rather good. It was the feeling of relief that created this feeling.

But this time, he couldn't be any less happier than the last. No... this time he was even happier than before. Seeing his wife sleeping with her, no... THEIR child, was the most adorable thing in the world.

Because the mother was sleeping, the nurse decided to ask the father.

"Excuse me, but... what would you like to name your child?"

This question wasn't anything serious, nor was it for any kind of interrogation. It was a genuine question created from the nurse's curiosity.

Touya didn't think for a while, as the name simply popped in his head. He and his wife decided this name on the day the miracle happened.

Turning to the nurse he calmly spoke,

"His name... is Kamijou Touma."


All right! That wraps up the prologue.

This was the birth of the Miracle, Kamijou Touma.

I am sorry for my crappy writing. I literally just started wattpad writing 10 hours ago (1:00 AM in America). I will probably continue this story for a couple more chapters, but if anyone else wants me to continue this story. Well... I will try my best. 

Just... don't hate me please.

Anyways, peace!

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