"choices" I muttered and he understood. Of course Draco doesnt have much of a choice. His father is a notable death eater and his family was well into the dark arts. But I knew he had light in him. I still remember how Draco slipped Hermione that note about the Basilisk in 2nd year. Or how he tried to warn Dumbledore about Barty Crouch Jr. in the 4th year.

"Incoming" Draco muttered and I saw Granger walking up to our table.

"Travers" Granger called out sternly. I looked up and pushed away whatever darkness I felt and forced a grin.

"Granger" I grinned as Granger looked at me differently.

"Snape wants to see you in his office" She said. I sighed as I knew what this is about. I stood up and faced her and forced a small smile.
"Right. Go back to the weasel git now" I said pertaining to Weasley whom she always had around.

I briskly walked my way through the dungeons as I felt Grangers glare on my back. Once I made my way to Snapes office, I took a deep breathe and walked in.

"The time arrived sooner than I thought" Snape said and handed me a letter which I slowly opened.

How has my daughter been?
I heard about your outstanding reputation as Hogwarts. As you know the Dark Lord has returned and he requires some services. I need you to keep an eye on Harry Potter and his weaknesses, I shall need the letter before the end of the 6th month. Remember what you owe me, you took away my wife.

I breathed heavily and tossed the letter into the fire to destroy evidence. The time I dreaded has come. I looked at Snape who has been eyeing me the whole time.

"Thanks, Professor" I said and walked out. I could not put into words what I have been thinking. I dont know which side to go. I even still feel the guilt of my mothers death. She died to bring me into this world.

I walked through the corridors, doing my prefect rounds to check up if any student has been out after curfew. I walk through the dark halls my mind occupied with many things, my wand lighting the way. I suddenly found myself on the Gryffindor tower wondering around when I heard a sniffling noise. I turned around and saw a boy sleeping under the portrait of the Fat Lady.  It was Longbottom.

"O-oh Vaerys Travers" Longbottom shook nervously.

"No need to frighten yourself, Longbottom. But I must ask why are you out past curfew?" I plainly asked. Longbottom isnt on my bad side and as long as he doesnt harm me, I dont have a reason to harm him. Plus, I think he is really good in Herbology.

"I forgot the password" Longbottom muttered and I nodded.

"Right, I think Granger is still roaming around the halls, I'll come find her and ask to let you in. Its Vaerys by the way" I said with a hint of a smile.

"Its Neville" Longbottom said. I gave him my cloak as it has been freezing tonight and I think he forgot his cloak too.

"I'll try and find Granger, Neville" I assured him as I walked down the confusing stairs with only my turtleneck on. As I heard from the scheduling, Granger should be down by the kitchens.

"Granger" I called out as soon as I find her near the fruit bowl portrait. She jumped a little and turned to me. I hid a small smile.
"Easily scared, are we?" I teased her which only made her roll her eyes.

"Shouldnt you be roaming the Gryffindor towers?" She snapped. And took a step closer to me. I studied her face as the only light now available was the moonlight. It looked good on her.

"Neville forgot the password, could you let him in?" I stated which caused Granger to be shocked.

"are you, being nice?" She scoffed at me as if it was unbelievable.
"you piss me off every day, while you treat Luna and Neville kindly? I have no idea how you function, Travers" Granger ranted out. I looked at her eyes and down to her lips unconsciously biting mine.
"My eyes are up here, Travers" Granger scolded me as my lips slowly form a smirk.

"Easy, Hermione. Im nice to those who mean no harm" I said and stepped closer to her.
"Or to those who dont make me feel funny" I whispered into her ear. Despite the dark surroundings, I can still see how her cheeks flamed up redder than Weasley's hair.

"Cut the rubbish with your silly little tricks" Granger breathlessly said.

"Would I have to give you a kiss to help Neville out or would you help your friend right now?" I smirked as I saw her eyes panic.
"Im only kidding. Go on and help your friend, Granger. I'll watch your post for tonight" I chuckled as she gave me her death glare. Completely forgetting about the other things im supposed to be thinking about.

Im Falling for a Slytherin || Hermione x O.CTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang