41 - The Stranger

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"The tree contains enough magic to protect three from the Queen's curse. Before the curse strikes, before Snow White gives birth to her twins, she, Delphinia and the Prince will enter the wardrobe and travel to a distant land. A land without magic, where Snow White will give birth to her twins. Then when the twins reach their twenty-eighth year, they will begin the battle that will defeat the Evil Queen! You see why it is vital that you complete the task at hand," The Blue Fairy said.

"Why am I going again?" Delphinia asked.

"To warn your brother about your father," The Blue Fairy said.

"He's still alive?" Delphinia asked.

"You'll find out," The Blue Fairy said.

Delphinia looked at Geppetto who cleared his throat, "Pinocchio wasn't always a real boy. When the curse strikes, when the things we love are ripped away, he will be turned... Back into wood again, won't he?" Geppetto asked as Pinocchio looked horrified.

The Blue Fairy looked at Delphinia, "We're afraid it's impossible to say," Delphinia said.

"Uh..." Jiminy cleared his throat, "You're frightening the boy," Jiminy Cricket said.

"No, shh," Geppetto knelt down to comfort Pinocchio and he looked at Delphinia and the Blue Fairy, "I will build your wardrobe. On one condition! If Pinocchio can take Delphinia's spot," Geppetto said.

Delphinia looked at him, "You can't bargain like this! Not when the entire realm is in danger!" Jiminy Cricket said.

"If I don't, I... I will lose my boy! Maybe forever, I... I can't risk that. Snow and the Prince can raise their twins without Delphinia," Geppetto said.

"Geppetto, think about the example you're setting for Pinocchio!" Jiminy Cricket said in a hushed tone.

"Oh!" Geppetto dipped his shoulder, to shrug Jiminy off his shoulder, "You may be a conscience, but you have not earned the right to tell me what to do!" Geppetto said as he pointed to Jiminy.

Pinocchio ran over to Delphinia and hid behind her legs, Delphinia looked at him and placed her hand on his shoulder as she and Blue Fairy watched Geppetto and Jiminy Cricket.

"Please, I'm only trying to help!" Jiminy said.

"Help?" Geppetto turned to him angrily, "Yeah, help. Like you helped my parents?! Your debt to me can never be fulfilled. But a start would be staying out of this. You understand?" Geppetto said.

Jiminy hung his head guilt, "Yes," Jiminy Cricket said.

"Hey! It wasn't Jiminy's fault! That potion was for his parents, not yours, yours were meant to get the water but his waste of space parents swapped them. If you have a problem with anyone about the fate of your parents, take it up with them! Do not take it out on your friends," Delphinia said.

"You can't talk, your father was the one who gave it to him and you did nothing to stop him!" Geppetto said.

"Wow... You can blame me, I won't be ashamed of who I am and what I do," Delphinia said.

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