Illusion- Freedom

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~Norman's pov~

What are we going to do now? Belle is being shipped out next week? I hugged her tightly as Ray's eyes didnt leave her shaking form "Norman... Ray... p-please make sure I'm the last one okay?" Belle said to the two of us "Belle dont worry we have a plan okay? We already have everything so we can do it the night before." Ray said touching her hair "please dont lose hope... we will get out of here." I said

~Small time skip~

~Belles pov~

It was now a few days before my shipment and the others just told me to be ready, I wasnt sure what they had planned but I didn't want anyone else to suffer... not for my escape... "maybe if I finish my climbing skills I can... be some use." I said to myself as during freetime I climbed a tree during hide and seek, Ray climbed next to me "Belle dont go too far up you'll fall!" He told me as I rolled my eyes "says the one who screams higher than me." I said to him.

Norman and Emma were it this time so I had to hurry to the top of this tall tree. As I climbed I heard footsteps and then a shout, Ray had been found now they were just looking for me but they couldn't get up to me even Emma. "Belle just come on!!!" Emma whined she seemed to forget that we used this as training. I didnt come down and was silent "Emma I don't think shes actually here." Norman said but then he spotted me and I jumped across the tree branches. After a few more minutes time ran out and we went back and I explained what I was doing and they nodded "wow that was actually cool." Ray said punching my arm.

"Ray may I borrow your camera?" I said and he nodded handing it to me I quickly put the 3 together and took a photo of them and put the photo in my skirt pocket before handing it back and going off back into the woods to climb trees. This time I sat in the tree and sang to myself trying to calm my nerves in about a day or two I'm being shipped out to be eaten and the others haven't done anything... after a bit I made my way back to the house thinking about the others actions recently.

Emma and Norman even looked depressed when not playing  Ray hadn't spoken much to me, Gilda and Don gave me a sad look once in a while but not any real words were exchanged between me and them. perhaps they had given up on me afterall. Mama called me to her office where we talked about my shipment "please at least let the 5 of them smile after I leave..." I said a tear threatening to fall from my green eyes "I'll do all I can to make it easier on them Bella." Mama said finishing braiding my hair it turned out she just wanted to be with me for probably the last time ever, "I know Norman and Ray are especially close to you." She said out of the blue with surprised me. "Yeah well I am their big sister." I said as mama laughed and pat my head "you know... I dont want to ship anyone out... its just-" I interrupted her "you're way to survive right? Krone told us about the device in your heart." I said as her eyes widened in surprise.

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