𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 31

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i sulked back into the apartment and saw Marcus, "awe, didn't go well?" he asks.

i shake my head, "no, but you know what? it's fine," i say. "i'll be fine," i say again.

"here, i made you tea, calms the nerves." he says handing me a cup of tea.

"thanks," i say drinking it.

i don't remember what had happened after that, except for a few things,

"you're so beautiful Leah," Marcus says running his hand up my thigh.

"stop," i mumble.

"get off of her!"

"Louis? is that you?" i manage to mumble before practically passing out.

i see Louis punch Marcus right in the face, and then kick him multiple times.

and then,

i woke up, it was so bright, why was it so bright? i put my hands over the light in attempt to make it dimmer.

i rolled over to my side closing my eyes again, i take a deep breath and realize, was that, cologne? and these weren't my sheets, no, these sheets were a lot softer. and the smell, almost like expensive cologne, not just any cologne, Dior Savauge.

i opened my eyes slowly and looked around, this was not my bedroom. it was so modern and minimalistic, i realized that i was wearing only a t shirt and nothing underneath. the t shirt smelled the same as the sheets, where the hell was i?

i had to have my phone around here somewhere, i got out of bed and began frantically looking around. nothing, where the hell was i?

who else wears Dior Savauge? then it hits me like a ton of brick,

"no," i say. Louis, why was i in his room?

"rise and shine," Louis says entering the bedroom, my jaw was dropped and i was staring at a wall, i turned to him, he was shirtless.

"wh-what, why am i here?" i ask.

"you don't remember? anything?" he asks.

"no?" i feel like this is a question.

"let's recap shall we? i left your apartment and then heard you shouting for help, when i rushed back to your apartment Marcus was trying to sexually assaulted you, i pushed him off punched him and kicked him. and now you're here," he explains.

"how come i don't remember all of this?" i ask.

"maybe he drugged you?" he says.

"why did you do that?" i ask.

"you needed my help," he shrugged. "i-" he starts to say, i cut him off by hugging him.

"thank you," i whisper. "so much,"

he was caught off guard at first before i feel his arms wrap around me.

𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 ~ Louis Partridge Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant