Year 3 Chapter 3 - The Grim

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               Meet me in the astronomy tower


It was the first day of classes y/n got up and rolled out of bed to get ready for her first day.

Hermione was already up, dressed and with a large pile of books scattered on her bed.

"Exactly how many classes are you taking Mione?" y/n asked while rubbing her eyes.

"Thirteen" Hermione answered with a shrug. y/n's eyes widened as Hermione continued to pile all of her books into her bag.

"Bu- but that's not even possible..." y/n said still in shock "How are you going to-"

"Mcgonagall helped me sort it out" She cut y/n off. "Now enough questions, get dressed so we can go to breakfast and make sure Harry and Ron are awake."

y/n rolled her eyes but reluctantly went to get ready. She decided to straighten her hair, she put on a bit of mascara and brushed her teeth. She then got dressed in her uniform.

Once she was done she went down the stairs to the common room to find Hermione waiting for her to head down to breakfast.

When they walked into the great hall they saw Harry and Ron half asleep eating breakfast.

"Good morning sunshines!" y/n said in a sarcastic but cheerful tone.

Harry rolled his eyes and mumbled a good morning back and Ron just waved his arm slightly.

"What is with you two?" Hermione asked

"We were up late last night trying different prank candy with Seamus, Dean and Neville." He perked up a bit, " You should've seen the one Harry tried there was smoke coming out of his ears!"

" He perked up a bit, " You should've seen the one Harry tried there was smoke coming out of his ears!"

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"You guys are so immature." Hermione said with a scoff while y/n laughed.

"Ow it hurts to laugh." She said rubbing her still sore neck.

"Sorry it still hurts y/n, I still feel bad for pulling you down with me."

"It's alright, would you pass me the toast?" She said, eyeing the toast. "You sure?" Harry asked while handing her the plate. "Er.. yeah!" She said.

"Just let it go Harry." Ron said, a bit annoyed now. Harry and y/n both turned to him confused at why he sounded so annoyed

"UGH!" he snapped, "when are you guys going to realize you fancy each other!" "Wha- what?" y/n said taken aback.

"You see the way he looks at her, Hermione  right? I can't be the only one..."

"Erm..." Hermione hesitated to answer because y/n gave her the look, "Yeah... I agree with Ron".

y/n felt her cheeks grow hot as she turned away from Harry as he did the same thing.

Now you agree with Ron, Hermione really... now? y/n thought.

She (harry potter x female reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora