The start to the best week of your life.

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You zoom through the front door, dodging past JJ and Ethan "She's clearly got a favourite" Ethan retorts, "Aye fuck you Y/N" JJ laughs.

You look back for a moment, giving them a swift middle finger before bounding up the stairs.

You turn the corner and smack straight into Tobi, he's not much taller than you so you practically bump foreheads.
"Y/N is that you?? i haven't seen you in timee, what are you doing here??" Tobi shrieks.

"Did no one tell you?? I'm staying here for the week to help Josh plan the trip to Ibiza, for the video?" You tell him.
He stares back at you blankly, for a moment, it's silent.
"OHHH...yeah they told me, but they didn't tell me it was gonna be YOU helping out" He exclaims in shock.
"Um, what's that supposed to mean Tobi?" You question, pretending to be offended.
"No no! I'm glad it's you. I just didn't expect it, i haven't heard from you in forever" He sighs.
Guilt creeps over your body.
"I know.. i feel awful, i just get caught up in in my own shit, you guys do mean so much to me though"
He gives a sympathetic look.
"Hey it's cool, don't feel bad, we're just glad you're doing well."

The mood is instantly lifted.
"Well I'm glad yous didn't miss me TOO much!" you laugh.
Tobi looks around suspiciously.
"Uh yeah about that, Harry's been going mental, won't shut up about you, he asked if you'd died the other week! The look on his face.." Tobi laughs, waiting for your reaction.

You're flattered; an uncontrollable blush spreads across your face.
Ugh keep your cool pervert, you think to yourself.
"Awh poor Boggo" you smile.
"Anyways, you should go see him! He's gonna be so gassed!" He pushes you in the direction of Harry's room, hugs you briefly, and disappears down the stairs.

You're nervous.
"Why am i nervous??" you mutter to yourself.
His door is completely shut.
What if he's not in there?
What if he's filming a video??
What if he's having a wank??? You think to yourself. Even more nervous than before now.

Alas, you put on a brave face and burst through his door, a little harder than you intended.
"Ah fuck off JJ" He moans.
"Aw how polite" you laugh.
He recognises your voice immediately, a huge grin spreads from ear to ear, he hesitates to look up, as if he doubts it's really you.

"Y/N!!!!!" He screams, his voice higher than usual.
He leaps out of bed, dropping his phone on the floor, he doesn't seem to care.
He runs over to you and pulls you into a long hug, your face pressed gently into his chest.
You can hear his heart racing, he squeezes your shoulders and pulls away, looking at you intently.
"Hey Bog" you say gently, breaking the silence.
"Hey lass" he giggles, blushing slightly, he realises and pulls away abruptly.

He's blushing? You think to yourself. He must REALLY miss me?

A look of confusion crosses over his face "Wait! what are you doing here!? No one told me you were coming." He questions.
"Ugh you too? Tobi didn't know either, you guys seriously need to work on your communication skills around here.." you joke.
"Those bastards.." Harry mutters.
"I'm helping Josh plan the trip to ibiza, i'm so excited, kinda intimidated..i don't wanna fuck it up you know?? but still i'm excited!" you tell him.
"That's big can handle it though, i know you, you've got this Y/N" Harry places his hand on your shoulder reassuringly.

He actually doesn't know you.
You've known the sidemen since they first started out, and you've been close with them ever since, but you and Harry never seemed to get close enough, there was always some sort of tension getting in the way. The others have noticed it too, they joke about it ALL THE TIME.
It's pretty embarrassing for the two of you.

The joke is that you probably just secretly hate each other, but it's not that, you know it's not.

Boggo has a crushWhere stories live. Discover now