Chapter 2

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This was supposed to be an easy mission.

Corner the targets,

trap them in a room,

shoot them all.

And finally, visit the local sweet cafe.

That is what Dazai had planned when he first recieved the mission.

But sadly,

"Let's hurry and get this over with already."

Chuuya will be joining him for this mission.

Dazai wanted to compaint immedately to Boss. Just why would they had to do such a simple mission together?

He's rather eat shit then to see Chuuya's face for another 24hours.

"The Feelings' mutual."

Ah- he said fhat out loud didn't he?

"Tcchhh." Gosh, why does it seemed like today would just get worser with each second? Dazai would just let his tie strangle him then to breath the same air as this slug.

Chuuya brings out his phone from his back pocket. Someone's calling, "Yeah?"
A few words exchanged before Chuuya nodded and shuts his phone off.

"They got them. But apparently, the ability user is still troublesome. 3mins."

So Mori-san wants us to get rid of that user.

That might be the only thing as to why. Since the only time when the Double Black is put into action,

The result will always be one and the same.

The two duo found themselves standing in front of a massive shoot out.

Their men had barely stood their ground against their targets. Chuuya dashed forward into the frontlines, his ability glowed in its red hue as every bullet approach him slow down.

Dazai casually walks in, opting to stay slightly off the lines. He stood just behind the the first row of the men.

Within seconds, Chuuya had kindly returned the bullets back to their enemies.

The fight had ended just like that.
"What a party pooper." Dazai mutters.
Chuuya totally heard that, he turns around screaming. "Screw you! At least I'm doing something that helps!"

Before muttering yet again about his soon-to-be obtained position of the executive.

"If you want to do something helpful," Dazai huffed, "Then you should at lead get rid of that Ability User."

Chuuya lets out a 'Huh?' before his eyes snaps back to the bodies on the floor in front of him.

Among the fallen bodies, there is a lady squatting there. Unharmed from the barrage of bullets.

This is annoying.

Because Chuuya knows that he'll never miss.

"Fucker." The lady's muttering started to louden, "You fuckers- Damn Son of a bitch! Die. Die. Die!"

Dazai let out a whistle. "What a rowdy personality you've there, Miss." He raises his hand, gesturing of his men to ready their next round of bullets.

And started to walk forward to where Chuuya is.

No bullets.

All those left are either imbedded into the corpse, or bloodied on the ground.

"Let me guess. Some form of teleportation ability?"

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