"so now we need to be on watch get everyone here to come look at this aura around the back door and if they see it, they tell us" jess and mabel agreed and I just waited on addilyn to answer seeing if she was finally on board and believed that it wasn't just in my head.

"fine, but they're all making their own way here. I planned on having I quiet day but clearly that's not going to happen" she said as she walked to the back door.

"I'm going to head outside to see if there's anything there" I said to mabel making her stand up the same time as me. "i can go alone, its fine" I said giving her a small kiss on her cheek and then heading out the house. Once I ran a mile or so from the house I began to slow down, mars is the kind of person that would stay to watch the chaos unfold. So she can't be far.

I continued walking around trying to pick up anything a feeling, a scent, a noise. Nothing and it was clearly pissing me off.

"mars if you're here you better stop hiding. Cause its either you show yourself or I swear I will hunt you down and-" and I heard a whisper that surrounded me, sending chills down my spine.

"oh but you already tried. And it didn't stick" everything in my body turned ice cold, I hadn't heard her voice in what felt like forever.

"show yourself" I said feeling my eyes glow seeing if I could see that aura again I saw glimpses of it surrounding me, small black shiny particles everywhere.

"but what's the fun in that princess" I felt a rush of adrenaline throughout my body and I groaned as I knelt to the ground feeling the bones in my leg begin to break and mould to a different shape.

"you don't have to hurt yourself anymore" I looked up and saw a glimpse of her, standing a couple of feet away from me. Her hair chopped at the shoulders and her eyes a fiery red surrounded by darkness. But then I lost sight of her.

"you were meant to die, that's how the cycle goes. Birth of the guardian, finding her love young, then you become prey, and John and Kate would hunt" her voice surrounded me, was she running? Is that how her voice could echo all around me.

"but you, prey turned hunter. A course no one expected" I felt my other bones begin to change and I felt no pain.

"but maybe a new hunter had to come into place. Someone who wants freedom from hell" I felt my teeth from through and watched as my hands changed to paws, I was finally able to change without being tortured.

"someone who was only meant to slow you down. Is now taking the role to stop you all together" I saw her feet right in front of me and I stood up growling at her. On all fours.

"i missed your soft coat" she said as she smiled sinisterly "did you miss mine?" I watched as her clothed soon became alight and her face beginning to melt as her true form showed. Her skin turning a charred black and her hands turning into claws. I stood in an offensive stance and charged and just as I got to her fire sprung from her back and she jumped into me.

'were still connected' I heard her voice say in my head

'you should have stayed dead' I shouted back.

'you are the ultimate weapon kaliana. And Arathorn wants you' I clawed at her face and jumped on her back taking her down to the ground. I felt a chunk of her flesh break off as I bit down, it was rotten. I tossed it to the side and continued trying to tear away whatever I could. I felt her slow down the more I hurt her. I stood up feeling her blood drip over my nose and from my mouth, looking down I saw her struggling to breathe. Was this it, was she finally going to be put down?

"kaliana!!" I turned to see mabel and kaytlin standing at the far end of the opening but before I could talk to them all of my breathe escaped my lungs. Every thought stopped. I glanced up to mabel and saw the terror in her eyes, the pain, the sadness and disbelief. I watched as her mouth opened, was she screaming? Every sound was dull and muffled so I couldn't tell.

(GxG)Forever in love, the sequelWhere stories live. Discover now