The Billionaire's Cabbie (TBC).

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Cover by @crazy_akira


23 October 2011, 10:10pm.


Sera came to a stop to let them in. A man, most probably her age, stumbled towards the cab. From the looks of it, he was super drunk. A hand wrapped around the woman's waist. The man looked extremely hot although his state could be frowned upon. He had a one day shadow, with eyes a piercing blue and brown hair. He was tall, about 6'2 but Sera couldn't tell exactly since he was stumbling. The woman opened the door for him. She could have been mistaken for a model, if she wasn't already. Her red sparkly dress hugged on her like a second skin. Her cleavage was showing. Her blonde hair made to perfection. The couple clearly belonged to each other.

"110 central park south." The woman instructed Sera.

110 central park south? Exactly how rich were they to be able to stay there? Sera started driving towards their destination. It wasn't her thing to interfere with people's businesses but considering what was going on at the back seat of the cab, she had to. The couple didn't know anything about privacy. They were dry humping each other. If she didn't stop them soon, they would practically do the deed in her cab.

"Can you wait until you are out of my cab?" Sera said through clenched teeth.

The woman glared at her, but the man simply smirked. They went on ignoring Sera completely. Sera stopped the cab near the sidewalk. She turned towards them and glared.

"If you don't, you better find some other cab, cos I'm kicking you out." Sera warned them.

"Do you know who you are talking to?" The woman hissed at Sera.

"No. Now stop acting like hormonal teenagers or else I'm leaving you here."

"Vera. Let it go." That deep husky voice commanded in a stutter.

Sera could only imagine how his voice would sound if he wasn't exactly drunk. The drunken voice could only make her feel things. What would it be with the actual sober voice.

"Who is Vera?" The woman asked, angered.

Sera chuckled lightly. Obviously the guy was a player considering he didn't know his lover's name. She felt sorry for the woman as tension filled the cab.

"Sorry. Violet, right?" The man asked confused.

The woman slapped him,screamed and got out annoyed. Sera couldn't help but laugh. The man looked shocked. She laughed even harder. The man looked at her and his lips twitched upwards slightly. He was amused himself to even care about his woman. If he wasn't quite drunk, Sera could have sworn he was mentally challenged.

"Man, I wish I had this on camera." Sera said between her laughter. "So, am I still taking you?"

"Sure. Right here or... ?" The man drawled out eyeing her. Drunken perv, Sera mentally cursed. His gaze made her feel hot and bothered.

She wasn't supposed to be feeling this way, considering today was the anniversary. As if cold water splashed on her, she snapped out of it. She couldn't feel this way. She mustn't feel this way.

She felt as if she was cheating on him.

Sera kept chanting his name in her head to keep the improper thoughts of the man in the car out of her mind.

She lightly faced him with a straight composure to keep this a professional atmosphere.

"I meant the address, man whore." Sera hissed, clearly angry.

"You should make yourself clear next time. And yes." The man smiled clearly amused. He didn't seem drunk enough as he had said that with a little soberness.

Hopefully I'll never see you 'the next time', Sera thought as she drove him to his house.

But life had other plans for them.


Hey guys. I hope you enjoy this book. Please give it a chance, it won't disappoint, I promise.




And follow.


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