"Oh, thank God" Natasha remarks.
"But I don't know if it was baby me, or old me" he then says to us, "Or just me, me" he adds.
"Time Travel!" Bruce then shouts looking at us, and Steve shakes his head and walks away.  "What? I see this as an absolute win" he adds.

"Just try and see what went wrong" I tell Bruce as I go follow Steve

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"Just try and see what went wrong" I tell Bruce as I go follow Steve.
I see Steve making his way outside the compound, "Steve...Steve...wait" I call out to him.

"Willow, that was a mess" he says to me.
"I know, I know it was, but this...this is a new concept to us, and it will take a few tries to get it perfect" I say to him.

"He turned into a baby, Willow" he says to me.
"Yeah, that..that was unexpected" I say to him as we then suddenly hear a car coming up the drive, and we both look to see who it is.  We watch as the car speeds up toward us, drives past us a few feet, then reverses. We see Anthony sitting inside the car, as he rolls his window down and looks at us.

"Why the long face?" he asks looking at Steve, "Let me guess, he turned into a baby" he says.
"Among other things, yeah" Steve tells him.
"What are you doing here, Anthony?" I ask him.

"It's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might have wound up pushing time through Lang.  It's tricky, dangerous. Somebody could have cautioned you against it." Anthony says to the two of us.
"Well, you did" I say to him.

"Oh, I did?" he sarcastically remarks, "Well, thank God I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it" he says as he shows us a device on his hand. "A fully functioning time-space GPS" he tells us and we smile at him, "I just want peace" he says giving us the peace sign with his fingers, "turns out resentment is corrosive, and I hate it" he says to us.
"Me too" Steve says to him.

"We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities.  Bring back what we lost, I hope, yes. Keep what I found, I have to, at all costs. And maybe not die trying.  Would be nice" Anthony says as he steps toward the two of us.

Steve then holds his hand out, "Sounds like a deal" he tells Anthony, who takes Steve's hand and they shake hands

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Steve then holds his hand out, "Sounds like a deal" he tells Anthony, who takes Steve's hand and they shake hands. I smile looking at both men, as Anthony nods his head at Steve, before pulling his hand away and looking at me.

I then give him a hug, "I'm glad you came to help" I say to him.
"Yeah" he sighs as he pulls away from me, then walks to the boot of his car, and we walk over with him, as he opens the boot up and we look inside. Anthony reaches in and lifts something up, moving the blanket and stuffed dog off of the item as he flips it over and we see Steve's shield, the one he took when he packed up the tower.

Steve sighs seeing it after so long, "Tony, I don't know" he says to him.
"Why? He made it for you. Plus honestly, I have to get it our of the garage before Morgan takes it sledding." Anthony tells him as Steve takes it and places it on his arm.

"Thank you , Tony" Steve tells him

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"Thank you , Tony" Steve tells him.
"I have this for you too" Anthony says as he reaches in and takes out my old bow and arrow set, along with the shield he had create me, and I feel my eyes water up.

"Thank you, thank you Anthony" I say as I take the items from him, placing my quiver on my back as I place my shield on my arm, and hold my bow.

"Will you two keep that a little quiet? Didn't bring one for the whole team" he says as he takes a case out of the boot, "We are getting the whole team, yeah?" he asks us, as he closes the boot of his car.
"We're working on that right now" Steve tells him as we then head inside.

As Anthony gets set up in the workshop, Steve and I leave, to go talk to the others, Bruce was to go with Rocket to get Thor to come back. I worried about what condition they were going to find Thor in, as he had not taken our lose very well. He had set up a New Asgard along with the help of another Asgardian named Valkyrie who I had met when I helped them get set up. Once they had left, I went and looked for Natasha who was getting things put together, "You found him" I say to her.

"Yeah, taking a quinjet and bringing him back" she says to me.
"Want someone to tag along?" I ask her.
"No...no I can, I can do this, besides someone needs to stay here and make sure the boys don't destroy anything" she tells me.

"Yeah, that's true" I smile at her, "just be careful okay" I say to her as I hug her.
"I will...I will bring him back" she says to me, as I watch her walk away. I sigh, as I then look for Steve, where I find him sitting in our room.

"Hey" I say to him, "Nat got a hit on Clint, she just left" I inform him.
"Good...that's good" he says to her.
"So, this is it eh, going back in time, save the world" I say as I go and sit beside him on our bed.

"Yeah..this is it" he says to me, "you think it will work?" he then asks me.
"With Anthony's help, it will work, and we will get them all back to us. We will have Bucky, we will have Sam back" I say to him.

"And Wanda, and T'Challa" he adds.
"And we can finally get married" I then say to him.
"Yeah, after how many years we can finally tie the knot" he smiles at me.
"Too many" I say as I lean my head on his shoulder.

Jus then there is a knock on our door, and we both look to see Anthony standing there, "Hey, yeah sorry to break up this love fest, but I uh need your help" he says looking at me.

"Yeah, what do you need?" I ask him.
"Well, first of all, I can't do this all alone, and the big guy went with the trash-panda, and well Lang isn't the best either" he says to me.

"Right, yeah, Scott can be a handful" I say as I get up from the bed.
"I also figured since you know a lot" Anthony says and I laugh at his comments.

"Yeah, she really does, I will go get some food, cause I have feeling you are going to need some and I have no idea about the science stuff" Steve says as he gets up from the bed, and the three of us head out of the room. I follow Anthony to where we had done our time experiment the other day, and Steve heads off for the kitchen.

"I'm sorry" Anthony suddenly says to me, and I look at him surprised, "Yeah I know only five years late"
"You have nothing to apologize for Anthony, we all took what happened in our own way. You blamed Steve and I because we ran away" I say to him.

"Yeah, but well it's all in the past right" he smiles at me.
"Yeah, the past, something I have way too much of" I sigh, as we enter the work area.
"I, um, I wanted to ask you...uh if anything, anything happens take care of Pepper and Morgan" he then says to me.

"Anthony, nothing's....nothing's gonna happen to you. I promise okay" I say as I then hug him, "I'm glad you are back in my life" I say as he pulls away.
"Okay, enough sappiness we've got work to do" he sighs, "right so, where are the tools" he claps his hands together asking me.
"Where they always have been" I smile at him as the two of us get back to work.

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