Hatred Consumes

Começar do início

All Might, who was watching this go down, sweat dropped. But continued with the ceremony.

After a failed attempt at a collective 'Plus Ultra!, we go to school to days later with one thought running through my mind.


His brother, the hero Ingenium. Was attacked by the Hero Killer: Stain. Stain is an enigma. No one knows why he does what he does, how he does it, what his quirk is. No one knows a lot about him, the only people close to knowing were the people that fought him and well..... didn't make it.  The one's he has crippled, have little information as well. I'm confident I'd be able to beat him, but I wonder if Ochako could? Maybe. Most of the power she displayed was because of adrenaline. She's probably still drained, even though I healed her. I probably could've used Ultra Instinct to heal her, but I decide not to. She can't expect me to heal her all the time.

I put those thoughts out of my head as I walk back into the classroom. My shirt is all ruffled up and I have very visible marks all over my neck. Next to me is a smug looking Ochako.

I glare at her as she just smirks. "What?" She said while putting her finger on her chin, making a innocent, cute looking face.

I look away while grumbling, knowing nothing I say will matter.

I go to my seat and Ochako follows right behind me. As soon as I take a seat, she sits right in my lap and brings her face directly into my nose as she just stares at me with a wobbly smile.

"Hey." She said with love filled eyes.

"H-Hey." I reply slightly nervously. I can read her emotions and today her love meter for me is very, VERY close to stepping into the realm of lust.

(A/N: No Lemons BTW)

I have no idea what has gotten into her, I can't say I don't like it. But in front of all these people? No way am I-

Great. I can't even finish without her interrupting. Oh well....

After awhile of just staring at me, she finally decides to kiss- no make out with me.

This goes on for a while until she abruptly pulled away.

"What is it?" I ask out of concern.

"I-I don't know. I just got this weird tingly feeling. But now I feel sad, and angry, and pure hate." She stated as her expression changed to each of the mentioned emotions.

My eyes narrowed.

So she's sensing emotions? Awesome! This would be good, but... who's the one with all these emotions?

"Ochako. I'm going to need you to calm down. Take a deep breath and think of the one thing that makes you happy." I instruct.

She did as told and she immediately got a wobbly smile and those love filled eyes returned. She was about to lean in again, before I stopped her.

"What?" She asks worriedly.

"Ochako. You're beginning to sense emotions." I say with a smile.

Her face brightened as she lets out a wide smile.

"Really!? That'a great! That means that Instincts is adapting slowly, right?" She asks excitedly.

"Yeah!" I reply with a smile before it turns back to seriousness. "But who held all those emotions?" I asked.

She turned her head to where she felt it from and my eyes land in Iida.

"No. Why does Iida feel so much hate? It's really scary." She said while whimpering slightly. I hold her tight to reassure her.

Izuku Midoriya: Ultra InstinctOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora