Chapter 8. The Kiss of True Love.

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So everyone was told by the Spirit how to find Serenity, And then Kagome spoke about her own feelings and yet she is jealous a little bit, But she admitted that it was more of a infatuation she has with Inuyasha and that it was easily mistaken for love but it wasn't that at all, So she also wanted a clean break and too start over with her own life too, So Inuyasha agreed and he put a kiss too the test but that answered his true hearts questions, And he had yet too truly overcome Serenity's hold on him too, So he was hoping he could break this spell and bring her back.

Kagome's tear and the shell Inuyasha had, had turned into the gate way too the portal and the secret garden, but once inside they went looking for the shrine right away, but soon was found by the guardian, who also is Kai the dragon lord who also can turn into a man.

But after fighting Kai and then realizing that Inuyasha, the chosen one has come here at last. So, he had to give him the rights to pass by.

So Inuyasha had entered the shrine after Kai gave him his permission to enter inside the shrine, but only one was allowed inside, Only the chosen one must enter the shrine will accept no other to enter the chambers.

Therefore, after he was encouraged by his friends, He went on his way through the doors alone. And while he was walking inside the shrine's room.

Kai gave Kagome a rare and special gift from himself to her, A bow that could help her find her own path in this world and it also is said to hold great magical powers to he believed she could unlock its powers. Then, he took flight and kept an eye out for intruders. And Inuyasha was inside the shrine, so let's begin where I left toff at enjoy.

Inuyasha was deep inside the shrine now as he reached the back wall finally where just up in front of him, he could already sense it and the aura coming from it, it was Serenity's for sure. It was Serenity who now lay there in front of him.

As he stopped moving offiaclly now. As he looked down upon her sleeping face, she was so peaceful looking though, but she looked like she lay dead, but it was all the curse's doing that forced her to sleep like this.

Inuyasha didn't know if he could help her or not, But his heart started beating heavily, It felt heavy inside him, He felt like he wanted to cry himself, It brought him to the realization that his love for her hasn't disappeared at all either as he remembered what Kagome said too before as well too, He was jealous when that other man tried to marry her, But she rejected him for Inuyasha still, She was still wearing the bracelet around her hand, He could see it, He then pulled out the key and wished for this too work....!!!!

"Please Moon Key please with all my heart Please grant my wish and undo this block of ice, please let her go......!!!! Prayed Inuyasha" being respectful and asking for permission instead of forceful attempts to force his way inside.

So, as he placed the Shell and the Key together like before, like when it combined into one showing them the way here.

As it entered the slot, it was made to unlock the ice crystal spell from protecting the Princess's body. Soon, it disappeared as the key had done its job.

As Inuyasha could reach out for her body offiaclly now.

As his hands reached down as he placed his knees onto the ground, He touched hand and gently felt how cold she was if he didn't know any better it would feel as if she was lifeless no soul at all she was dead like Kikyo dead, but he hoped this would work and reawaken her once more.

"Serenity......!!! Forgive me for taking so long....!!! Forgive me for I did not know...!!! But please let this work...!!! Serenity comes back to me...!!! Spoken up Inuyasha" lifting herself up enough to make the move.

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