⌠𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝓌𝑜⌡

Start from the beginning

suddenly, the man comes down, racing over to me and getting a hold of my hands. "aye, mamacita! become my first lady and i'll make all your hopes and dreams come true!" i laugh a little, making him let go of my hands as i place them behind me.

"and i thought chivalry was dead." i looked over to wilbur a little, smiling and he smiled back.

"get away from mellona, naked man!" tommy yelled, pushing the man away from me and standing in front of me like a shield. for a child, he certainly was tall.

"i'm gonna run against you, tommy innit and wilbur soot, and i don't even care!" he made his way up to the cobblestone tower again and i looked up from behind tommy's shoulders. "my party is called swag 2020! so. we. are. gamers." i giggle a little at the absurdity of this declaration.

they talk over logistics and i stay behind tommy, being a bit scared of the man in minimal clothing. he suddenly starts boxing tommy up in iron ores and my eyes widen as i immediately push my way out and run to wilbur. i open my book.


wilbur looks down at me with concern in his eyes and i shake my head, smiling at him. he puts a protective hand on my shoulder and kicks out the man who i learned is named quackity or alex. he moves us all into the makeshift camaravan and we begin to brainstorm ideas to change his party name.

"kick party-"

"kangaroos! i cum kangaroos!" i burst out in giggles at the panic in wilbur's voice.

"the wap party!"

"no, i'm not calling us the wap party!"

"what's wap?" i ask, already knowing the answer but wanting to annoy wilbur just a bit. he looks at me incredulously as tommy yells.

"worship and prayer!"

"we are politicians!"

"we are politicians, wap versus swag: who will win?"

"no, 'cause wap is already a thing. we can't do that."

going out of the van for fresh air, i stand up to tommy and whisper an idea to him before sitting on the ground. he gasps like a fish and then yells at wilbur.

"i got it! we can be pog! politicians of god!"

"oh my god- gamers! politicians of gamers!" wilbur begins writing in the book once again. "politicians of gamers versus so we are gamers!"

"pog 2020!" i laugh a little, getting on with the excitement of wilbur and tommy at their new party name that i so graciously tipped to tommy. it was nearing night time and they decided to call on tubbo, tommy informing me that he now had separate alter egos named big law and big crime. is that what that courthouse in the sky was about?

i go up to wilbur, whispering to him that i'll be by the docks as he talks with his boys about the election. i wave to them all, giving tubbo a small hug, and heading down to the docks. on my way there, i see fundy and i wave him over.

"there's my favorite dutch fox!" he smiles.

"i'm the only dutch fox you know, mellona." i giggle, pulling him with me to the end of the dock.

"exactly." i sit down on the edge. "come sit with me," i say, patting the spot next to me. he sits down and we stare at the water for a bit.

"mellona." i look over to fundy and hum in response. he starts to look a little nervous. "is it- can i call you mum?" at the question, my cheeks flare and my eyes widen.

"m- mum?" i ask, now a little nervous. "may i ask why?" he puts his hands on his knees and looks down at the water, eyes glazed a bit.

"i just- i don't know much about my own mum. wilbur's always told me stories of her and i have vague memories, but it doesn't feel like she's really my mum since i haven't met her, y'know?" i smile at fundy, putting a hand on his shoulder. "you've been the closest thing that i have to a mum, and you're always so caring and nice-"

"fundy, i'd be honored for you to call me mum." he looks up to me and a boyish manner and immediately hugs me. it surprises me at first, but i hug back and smile.

"thank you." he muffles into my hoodie and i giggle.

"of course. now go on, i know you had other things to do before i came here." he shoots up and i smile.

"i had a prank to play on punz, i totally forgot! thank you, bye mum!" my heart warms as he goes on his way out of the dock, passing wilbur as i find him going down to meet me. giving me a curious look, he finds his way and sits down next to me.

"mum? when did that happen?" he asked with a small smile.

"just a bit ago. he told me about his real mum and asked to call me mum. i accepted, of course. i really do see him as a son." i say, looking out as the moon fell over the water. "i hope you don't feel too uncomfortable at that." i feel wilbur put his hand over mine, clutching it lightly. he shakes his head.

"thank you." i giggle.

"for what?" i ask, looking at him with half-lidded eyes.

"taking care of fundy when i can't. i wasn't able to play with him at the beginning of the revolution, and now he's almost all grown up." wilbur sighs. "he barely even knows his mother."

i grasp his hand and rub my thumb along his hand. "may i ask what happened?" he looked at me with a small nod before looking into the water.

"sally and i divorced after fundy turned nine. sally couldn't raise him anymore, and so she just left. i think she was my first love." wilbur laughed and i smiled up at him. he then cleared his throat, looking back down at me. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to push all of my feelings onto you like that."

i nudge him. "i don't mind, feelings are important to express. it sounds like you really loved her." he smiles.

"yeah. but i think i've gotten over her. it's been years and i don't even know where she is anymore. she's a pirate, you know?" i listen to wilbur ramble on about fundy, sally, and him. he seems to really love the people around him, but only ever expresses it in times like these.

even though he was talking about a life i never knew, i was entranced by the way he spoke, and with such passion. i would hope he could be passionate about me as well.

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words: 1560

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