finding out part.1

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Jades P.O.V
I sat there waiting for the timer to go off, I'm so scared. (BEEP,BEEP,BEEP) i got up and walked into my bathroom and looked down at the test, POSITIVE my mums going to kill me I'm only 15.

I text Leondre, Carys and Charlie in a group message asking them to sleep round as today is Friday and i didn't go to school because i felt sick well no wonder why.

from: carys💁

To: jade🙅
'' hey sure why not i'll pick up the boys on the way xx see you in a few "

I'm so scared, an hour later i heard my bedroom door open but i didn't move from my spot on the bed.

"hey lazy get up" i heard Charlie say, typical.

"carys can i talk to u alone?"i asked as the boys left my room.

"whats up?"
" pregnant" i told her as a few tears fell and then she hugged me gently.

"shhh its okay"

i then told her to go and get the boys and we can watch some movies, the boys came in and we all cuddled up as charlie put Annabelle on, I hate this, when the dolls came on i hid my face in Leondre and charlie made me jump and i started to cry damn emotions.

"charlie stop" i said as i got up and turned it off and then i laid back down with leo and ended up falling asleep to the sound out his steady heart beat. (aww)

I woke up feeling sick so i ran to the bathroom and threw up soon enough Leondre was right by my side.

"babe r u okay"

"umm not really theres something i want to show/tell you"

i grabbed the test and handed it to him.

"i found out when u were all in school" he looked shocked but the hugged me.

i could feel tears on my shoulder so i held him closer and rubbed his back.

"whats your mum going to say and your brother is going to kill me"

" leo calm down he's not going to kill you and i don't know"

he helped me up and we went back to my room

No ones P.O.V

"everything okay mate?" charlie asked

"yeah everything is perfect" leo smiled back

charlie then walked into the bathroom and about 5 minutes later walked back out.

"i see why ur so happy"

" babe ur talking to your self they are asleep"

everyone fell asleep about 10 minutes later.

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