Your Info and Friends Info

Start from the beginning

More Info: Y/n was an orphan and got adopted by Jones L/n and Athena L/n, she usually wears a glasses if she read something but she got used to wearing it so she always wears it, a top student of an all girls school and very good at coding, usually reads more books, she didn't have a club to attend to and planning to make one with her friends, super friendly and some girls are in love with her, she always rejects those who confess to her because she didn't believe in love, loves Anime and so did her friends, always wear a hoodie or a comfortable clothes, Usually quiet but energetic to her friends, very good at photo shooting especially with editing, she loves to play volleyball and soccer and she knows how to play piano and guitar and know self defense (You can add more)

Likes: Her group of friends, books, literature, dark and comfortable clothes, f/f, writing, reading, f/c and/or green, nature, ddlc, Monika, good people, volleyball, soccer, piano, guitar, other instruments, anime (You can add some more)

Dislikes: Pervert guys, people judging her friends and those who insult literature, homophobic bitches/asshole, bullies, people who bad mouthed Monika, selfish people, Monika getting deleted (You can add more)

Name: Fay Hendrix

Hair: Average dark brown hair

Eyes: Silver/Dark silver

Height: 5'2

Sexuality: Pansexual

More Info: Fay is the most lively to the group, she was the peace maker whenever the twins name Danessa and Kiera fight, behind those smile she was a depress girl until she met Y/n, Danessa and Kiera, since the day she met them her depression vani...

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More Info: Fay is the most lively to the group, she was the peace maker whenever the twins name Danessa and Kiera fight, behind those smile she was a depress girl until she met Y/n, Danessa and Kiera, since the day she met them her depression vanished, she lived alone but good thing there school got a dorm and the four of them are roommates, she may not be as smart as Y/n but she still have good grades, loves to try new things especially with her friends, love sweets, she always try to convince Y/n to try to have a girlfriend but Y/n always declined, loves anime, always wore big shirts, favorite color is blue, once a member of the theater club but left because some of the members treat her badly which angered Her three friends, Y/n even make one girl that treat Fay badly broke its left hand, Y/n teach her how to defend her self whenever she got bullied, she was practicing Ukulele, good at badminton

Likes: Chocolates, her friends, blue colors, big clothes, anime, ddlc, Sayori, manga, beach, good and friendly people, playing games

Dislikes: Bullies, people saying that Sayori is pathetic, Y/n being single and don't believe in love, Danessa and Kiera fighting, homophobic people, Sayori's death

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