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Rainy Days

You let out a sigh as you adjusted your handbag that contains your laptop and papers tightly as you stare blankly in the rain

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You let out a sigh as you adjusted your handbag that contains your laptop and papers tightly as you stare blankly in the rain.

You forgot the bring your umbrella, probably because you forgot to check the weather forecast for today when you went on the cafe you are right now.

It was already dark for you didn't notice the time and only to find out when you went out after you pass your draft for a new book project.

So you stood there, waiting for the rain to stop even though you knew deep inside that it might take a few hours for it to stop. You thought about going inside back again but simply abandon the idea and wait outside to admire the different people under the rain.

You watch silently the people in front and from afar. You notice the different kinds of people in the rain. Some was trying to get in hurry as they shed themselves from the rain using their bags. Some has an umbrella and eyes on their phone.

But the one that catches your interest was the couple who just passed by, both were young, looks like a high school student. And given by the time, school uniform and the smile on their faces, it looks like they just finished a date and on their way home.

For a moment a smile creep up on your face, because it remind you of you and him.

It was raining hard that even the club after school was cancelled, well to be honest you don't have a problem with that because you have no club to begin with.

"Aw man"

It was a familiar voice that made you turn around as you're about to open your umbrella


You suddenly blurt out causing the said person to look at you

and makes you blush and panic

like, who wouldn't freak out when they accidentally blurt out your crush name and manage to caught their attention?

What made you panic even more was when he smiled at you

"Oh hey (last name)-san"

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