So Lovely

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💗 : Ronarry

Everything hurts.

The few days of numbness after winning the war were gone, and Harry felt constantly on the verge of tears. After helping in the rebuild of Hogwarts, going back... It felt like too much. But Ron and Hermione were going, and he couldn't bear the thought of being far away from them when he needed them the most.

So there he sits in transfiguration, his mind drifting away to the depths of depression in his mind.

Fifty. The exact number of how many people died for him in the war. And even more people died outside the war for him, Dumbledore, Snape, Cedric... Sirius...

"...Mr. Potter?"

Harry jolted out of his thoughts, blinking at the kind and understanding eyes looking at him.

Professor McGonagall fixed her glasses. "Potter, do you need to be excused?"

Harry looked around at the rest of the class taking out their books. He swallowed, nodding silently.

"You may leave. Leave your things here, Mr. Weasley will bring it up later."

Harry left the class, and was half distraught and half relieved to hear Professor McGonagall say "Actually, go with him, Weasley, Mr Thomas will bring Potter's stuff."

He ran, ran near to the lake, and sat down, his knees resting against his chest. A single tear slipped down his cheek and he rubbed it away furiously.

He heard footsteps behind him. Knowing it was Ron, he didn't flinch, not even when Ron settled down beside him, crossing his legs and looking at the lake too. He didn't flinch, until he felt long fingers intertwine with his. He tore his gaze away from the lake, watching Ron with slightly blurry eyes.


"I know I would never truly understand how you feel, the guilt... it's not easy to let go of, no matter what anyone says. But, you're amazing, Harry." His eyes met Harry's as he smiled shyly. "You did so many great things. So much happened to you, you had every right to be salty and bitter, but you aren't. You're sweet, noble, funny, gen- generous," he stuttered a little at the fondness in Harry's eyes, as if any moment now he'd cry, "you stayed kind... You saved thousands of people, much more than those who died... it wasn't your fault they died anyway. You're so lovely... why are you looking at me like that?"

Ron added the last part with a flustered laugh and was met with a smaller body throwing himself at him. Harry laughed shakily. "Ron, you dork, I love you."

Ron flushed even more. Still unsure Harry meant it the way he hoped he did, Ron patted Harry's back with a slightly confused, "I love you too, mate."

Harry chuckled, wiping away the tears under his eyes. He cupped Ron's cheeks, bringing their face close enough their noses were almost touching, but not closing the space, not yet.

"Can I kiss you?"

Ron nodded eagerly, and just like that, Harry kissed him.

Harry didn't stop smiling throughout it, both of them laughing when their inexperience showed. When they separated, Harry reached for Ron's hand, gripping it gently.

"Can we stay here a little longer?"

"I wouldn't mind staying here forever."

Ron went as red as his hair as he blurted that. Harry found himself agreeing.

(When Hermione found them later asleep by the lake, she smiled fondly. Leaving a warming charm on them, she returned to the castle, proud of how far they've all come.)

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