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Izuku's POV(Imma make it short)

The principal greeted us and proceeded to tour us around the which most people knew us.after principal Arian which is her name made us wait outside for a minute until she said so.

3rd person's POV

It has been three months since the class 1-A saw their sunshine the training has been a torture for them since shinsou transferred in the class 1-A.All of them has been gloomy this past few months they realize what have they done few months ago.

Bitch Might's POV

After I gave my power to Mirio which I thought would give everyone hope but I never knew that it would be the opposite.Every time I teach 1-A they would ask me where young midoriya is,since he sees me as a father.

Most teacher have been down since young midoriya left.Aizawa would just sleep and leave this happens everyday.

Now I know that I made a wrong choice which drove young midoriya away.

Dadzawa's POV

I couldn't teach anymore without problem child,but we still talk at night.Sometimes I would miss Izuku's food and coffee,even hizashi who was thought by izuku in cooking.

Hizashi would teach them their English subject not using his quirk he would stay silent all the time

Izuku's POV

Now I rule the school for beating some Senpai's in our school who had big ego like 'katsuki' they would call me 'Queen',Its not like I hate the name I love it now our rank in school gave peace to each student which is great.

My boyfriends has been clinging into me lately which would give shivers on my spine.

Everything was doing great this 2 whole years now we are in 3-A until the blood would spill full of pain....

Sorry about the short chapter I lost the paper for the story so I had to change the plot sorry and thank you for understanding🤗🤗🤗

I promised I'll be backWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt