Chapter Three

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You were aware of the eyes you had on you, but all you saw for those few seconds was red, and you knew it was all the stress finally getting it's way.

You were usually a well put together person, you were the one who kept the peace between everyone. But it finally hit you, you were over everything, and you took it out on, Aaron. Aaron didn't deserve your snappy attitude. He hadn't done anything to you.

You were like brother and sister. He has been there for you since the start. Guilt is what you felt in that moment. "I'm sorry." You apologize, voice small and weak. Noticing your demeanor change from anger to guilt, and sorrow, quickly waving the two females away before pulling you into a hug.

"Hey, it's okay." He spoke into your ear. Wrapping your arms tightly around his waist. "I'm so sorry!" You mumbled into his shoulder. You weren't sure if he could hear you, but you had to make sure he knew you were sorry.

"It's not your fault! I know your stressed with everything, and I've been taking everything as a joke. I'm sorry!" He pulls away to look down at you, making sure you're okay. You sigh, calming your racing thoughts.

"I still shouldn't have taken it out on you. You've done nothing wrong. I'm just tired." Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. "I heard you took on more hours. You sure you can take it?" He asks pulling you towards the bonnet of his car to sit on.

"What else are we going to do? I have to work longer hours so we can pay that loan off." You say settling on the cold metal. "Yeah, I heard about our predicament too." He quietly spoke as he kicked at the stones under his feet. You had learnt that was his way of thinking and coping with situations. Sort of like a nervous habit.

"Michael, tell you how much shit were in?" Quietly speaking so no one heard you, not that they probably would with the squealing of rubber against concrete, loud music, and people partying. "He told me bits and pieces." Running his hand through his brunette locks.

"He tell you we still owe eighty-six thousand, dollars?" He chokes on his beer before spitting it out onto the dirt and gravel, just missing you. You frown at his coughing fit before patting him on the back. "What?" He screeched after getting air.

"Yeah, I know." You sigh shrinking into the cold metal. "What happened to all the times he said he was sending payment through to them?" He asked. You simultaneously shrug.

"The thing that bothers me most was that we only asked for fifty grand. Michael's been borrowing more money than we thought." You spoke. Aaron was frozen in spot, he didn't have any words.

You didn't know what to do or say. Things spiralled out of control. You had all these emotions but you were mostly confused. After a few minutes Aaron finally spoke. "What was he doing with all the other money?" That's what you were wondering too. Because you damn well know you didn't get a promotion.

"i don't know." Shrugging again. You had so many theories just thinking about it gave you a headache. You stared at the combat boots you were wearing, seeing the dirt and marks on them. You really had to get some more soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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