You know Neil has that awesome personality that when he walks people turn back to see him again. Like his walk is magic, talk is magic, everything about him is interesting except his bossy behavior.

"Good morning, John." I smile at John, a waiter who gets my order ready as soon as I and Neil enter. Entering in I move towards our favorite corner spot.

After few minutes John comes as he keeps two glasses of Apple juice in front of me. "Neil is not here, you should have got one." I look at him giving a small smile.

"Ma'am from 2 days you are saying the same yet you end up ordering one more glass again and drink it in the name of Neil Sir. So, I thought however I should get one again let me get it now only." I look at him blankly, how stupid of me I drink Apple juice in the name of someone who doesn't even care to reply to me.

"If you don't want I'll take this glass." He picks one glass from the tray.

"Let it be, you have got it so I'll drink it," I say as if I am drinking it because he has got it.

"See, I told you." He controls his laugh and walks away. Avni, get a grip on yourself, you are not going to drink this Apple juice on his name today no matter what.

It is surprising Neil knows everything about my likes yet he asks his kids to play games with me so that we get to know each other, seriously.

I drink my glass of juice as I check my phone. My eyes go wide as I see Neil online on WhatsApp.

"Yay! He is online." I shout at top of my lungs. I don't know when I got up and started jumping like a monkey.

"Oops! Sorry." I speak embarrassed as I sit back in my place.

Quickly I open the phone to find him offline. He didn't even see my message. I don't know why but suddenly I feel like crying, I feel like stupid. My phone rings in my hand, excitedly I glance at it only to find an unknown number. I disconnect it angrily. It rings again and again, irritated I answer it.

"Listen, whosoever it is, you are not on my contact list so I don't know you nor I am interested to know you. So shut the hell up and don't you dare to call me again because even if you call I am not gonna receive it as I am blocking your number right now." I say in a go, disconnecting the call I block the number.

I glare at the Apple juice kept in front of me. "You are his glass, I can't kill him or scold him so I am gonna kill you. But first I'll scold you." I take a close look at the glass and hold it through its neck.

"No, I am not gonna drink his glass of juice today," I say to myself when my mind asks me to drink the other glass of juice as well.

"Hello." A voice demands my attention, I roll my eyes irritated then glance at the owner of this voice.

"Good morning, Ms. Pareikh." DD stands there in his usual smart boy attire. How can I forget this man he keeps calling Neil whenever we are playing or talking.

But I like this guy. He's so damn friendly. Though I have met him just thrice his behavior itself says everything about him.

"Can I take a seat here?" He points at the seat which Neil usually occupies.

"Yeah, please." I nod at him, I smile at him awkwardly when he sees me holding the neck of glass as if killing it.

"Problem with the glass?" He chuckles looking at my weird behavior

No dude, problem with the person who has to drink this but isn't here!

"No, No, please drink this." I forward the glass towards him.

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