Chapter 7: The Shocking Reveal.

Start from the beginning

"Right! You heard him guys!" Zero said to his group of friends. "Time to get to that meeting!"

Turning heel, everyone followed Kenta towards the WBBA headquarters. At one of the meeting rooms, the whole gang that long since disbanded a few years ago was now all together with its members. As Zero looked around, he was in awe at how many famous bladers were in the room.

"So many people came." Zero thought. "And all are just Gingka's friends too."

As Zero looked on, he saw Gingka and Tsubasa chatting a bit. He didn't know exactly what they were chatting about, but it seemed to be something just between them.

"So you're not ready to bring IT out yet?" Tsubasa asked, as Gingka sighed.

"No.. Not yet." Gingka replied. "So for the time being, keep holding on to it for me. I've just got re-acquainted and settled in again with this place. Besides, it's nothing like beyblading."

"Understandable." Tsubasa remarked as he patted Gingka's shoulder. "But it better be soon or it's going to be too late."

Gingka gave a nod, but before he could say anything else, he heard something that brought a small scowl across his face.

"Madoka?!" Exclaimed a voice.

"Aleksei?!" Madoka exclaimed.  "What in the world are you doing here?"

"Helping with bringing the data to this meeting." Aleksei replied. "You look quite well."

Normally, Gingka wouldn't be upset or angry with people interacting with Madoka, but with Aleksei in a charming way, then that's a different story. Fortunately for the Pegasus blader, Kyoya caught sight of his displeased look, and decided to take action before things got bad.

"Hey, Tsubasa." Kyoya whispered to the director. "Could you please tell Aleksei about the.. Um... you know... The fact Gingka told us?"

Tsubasa nodded and walked over towards Aleksei with a calm expression.

"Aleksei, could you come with me for a bit? We have a few things to discuss."

"Of course Tsubasa." Aleksei replied, as he then followed the director out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Zero asked Kyoya, for he had seen the whole thing.

"Nothing serious." Kyoya replied to Zero. "Just of Madoka being Gingka's choice for his Lioness is all."

"What's that about a choice for a lioness?" Asked a voice in a flirtatious way, before two arms wrapped themselves around Kyoya.

"Uh.. Hikaru.." Kyoya stammered. "I wasn't...."

"Admit it already, Kyoya." Hikaru replied. "I knew that it was you who sent me that note that came in my mail a few months ago."

"What note?!" Kyoya cried out, as Hikaru then pulled a piece of paper out of her purse and showed it to the blader. "Oh... that. Argh... uh.. Beneki! Gingka! Or just something who I can trust please help me out here!"

Gingka and the others just chuckled, as Hikaru smiled seductively at Kyoya as a tint of red came across his face. He was not expecting this from the woman with blue hair.

"Sorry, handsome." She said with a mischievous grin. "Looks like there's no turning back for you now."

"Darn." Kyoya muttered in defeat. "Why did I even write that note?"

"Because you love me and you can't deny it." Hikaru replied as she then giggled and rustled Kyoya's hair.

"Well.." Kyoya sighed. "If you put it that way, then I better take you out to a café or something, so you'll behave."

"I'm counting on it, Kyoya my kitty." Hikaru replied as she then blew a kiss at the Leone blader.

As Kyoya just continued to tense up nervously, Hikaru walked up to Makdoka smirking as she did.

"So.." She began with a whisper. "When will you make your move on Gingka?"

Madoka just stammered as her face turned beet red. However before she could give an answer, Tsubasa and Aleksei returned to the room, with calm looks across their faces. Aleksei walked towards Gingka and spoke quietly into his ear.

"My apologies, Gingka. I don't mean to take Madoka from you. I shall be careful with my interactions from here on in. You won't have anything to worry about."

"Thanks Aleksei." Gingka replied as a smile came across his face. "However, I'm still trying to figure out how to go about it."

"I'm certain that you will." Aleksei replied. "If you figured out how to win against a cage match, then you should be able to figure out how to tell her."

"For now let's hope that's true." Gingka remarked, as they both turned towards the front.

"Thank you all for coming." Tsubasa began. "For those who are new when it comes to meetings with our group, my apologies if any of us are a little out of hand, it's been a while, and truthfully we were kind of chaotic."

"Ya think?" Came the voices of those who were all part of Gingka's disbanded group. Frankly it was pretty true that they had always been a little chaotic.

"Nevertheless." Tsubasa went on. "We've been through a lot and so in the end, we're nothing more than just a rag-tag team of friends. So, even now our bonds are very strong."

"You got that right!" Gingka remarked as the rest of his friends nodded in agreement.

As everyone looked on with a smile, Tsubasa's face started to get more serious. He was about to get to the main point of the meeting. Exhaling, he picked up some courage for he knew for what was to be revealed next might scare them all.

"With that said, I didn't have you all come back to Metal Bey City just for a reunion. As of now, we have a bigger issue on our hands. One so big, it may be as bad as the nemesis crisis."

As everyone then murmured, Tsubasa turned his attention towards Yuki.

"Yuki, you're up."

Yuki nodded as he prepared to present.

"A few days ago, my bey began to act quite stranger than normal." Yuki began. "It was seeming like it was talking, which of course sounded ridiculous, mind you. At first I thought it was nothing but me being a little low on sleep, until I got a message from Dyamisis saying that the beys appear to be warning us about something. I tried to see if I could spot anything with my observatory, but to no avail, I could only see things so far away. However, I was able to get in touch with Aleksei and his group and they said I could use their equipment to obverse the outside of the earth's Atmosphere."

Yuki exhaled, as he got ready to do the shocking reveal.

"According to their sensors, something was moving closer and closer to the earth. Using the satellites, we took a picture and..... Found this."

As Yuki then showed the picture on the big screen, everyone gasped in shock.

"No way!" Kyoya remarked.

"Impossible." Madoka shivered.

"W-why. J-just w-why?" Kenta stammered.

"How much more of these things have to come?!" Gingka scowled as Zero looked on with confusion.

"Gingka.." He began. "W-what is going on? A-and what is that?!"

"The one thing that I wished that would only appear in my darkest  nightmares, and would never have to deal with again." Gingka began slowly.

"And that is...."

"A dark star fragment."

To be continued....

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