Chapter 2:Confrontation

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Jedi Knight Lurana Kaeron and the six soldiers with her moved through the streets. There were few civilians, as most have already gone off to work. Though there were at least five stormtroopers nearly at every building, and on patrol. Lurana stiffened as she sensed a dark presence closing in on  their position. Her hand dropped to her lightsaber hanging at her hip, hidden by her cloak. Just then, she felt the presence closer. A figure appeared in front of them, and she froze. The figure approached them slowly. "It was not easy to find you, young Jedi", the Inquisitor said. "I don't know what you are talking about" Lurana replied, subtly waving her fingers. "Oh please. Your mind tricks don't work on me. And now, I am sure you have heard of Darth Vader" the figure said. "Of course I have. The former Jedi Knight, Anakin Skywalker, a hero of the Republic" said Lurana. "It seems your education has not been ignored in the war, young one" the Inquisitor said, inclining its head. "Now, Lord Vader sent me, along with a few others, to hunt you and the other two Jedi down. My masters are generous, and thus they would extend you an offer to join them, and end this pathetic Rebellion, so that the galaxy could once more be in peace." "Then you might as well kill me now, Inquisitor. I can at least take you down with me" Lurana said, drawing her blade. "I knew and hoped you'd say that, Jedi. But don't worry. Your friend and your master will join you shortly" said the Inquisitor. "General, shall we shoot him?" asked one of the Rebel soldiers. "No. Focus on the mission" Lurana said, as she prepared to use the Force. The Inquisitor drew his own lightsaber, and activated the crimson blade. Lurana activated her gold and blocked a series of strikes from her foe, and retaliated with a kick to his midsection. He grunted and backhanded her in the face, and pushed her away with the Force. She recovered and attaacked, her gold blade looping around the Inquisitor's red, and managed to land a shallow cut on his cheek. "Impressive, young one. Enough games" her foe said, and activated another blade. She blocked the next few strikes, but her foe was able to push her back, and scored a light hit on her shoulder, though her shoulder pad redirected the hit. She blocked his next strike and brought the power of the Force to bear against him, pushing him away with a telekinetic wave. The Inquisitor snarled and resumed his offensive, countering each of her strikes perfectly, and then stabbed her in her other shoulder, which was unprotected. Lurana gasped as the red blade burned through her flesh, and seized him in a telekinetic grip, throwing him against a building. Somehow, her foe was still on his feet. His eyes burned gold with fury, and he attacked. Her eyes widened as the red blades began spinning, creating an impenetrable shield in front of him. Fazed at first, she was slow to recover, and was hit a few times on the arms and shoulders. But then, she recovered and knocked him back. She focused on the strange mechanism of her foe's weapon. It has been defeated before, when the Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus killed the Grand Inquisitor, when he slid his and his apprentice, Ezra Bridger's lightsaber into the spinning circle, and sliced the weapon in two. She had no spare lightsaber, but perhaps, just perhaps, she could mimic the feat. She blocked the inquisitor's next strike and froze him in place with the Force. She slid her lightsaber into the circle and with a flick of her wrist, destroyed the weapon. The inquisitor growled, furious, and sent out a Force wave, slamming her into a building. She recovered and blocked a series of unarmed strikes from the Pauan, and then moved behind him, locking his arm and legs in place, as she deactivated her lightsaber and reversed her grip on the weapon, and reactivated it through her foe's midsection. Her foe's body went limp, and she released it, letting it fall to the ground. She deactivated her lightsaber and rushed after the other troopers.

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