The beginning

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Although emitter quirks were most common, electricity quirks were exceptionally rare. And electricity quirks that fit the needs of the NQET (national quirk assessment test) were the rarest and most protected of all.

The NQET are exams that are their to find the best practical and life saving quirks. This can includes healer types, knowledge types and electrical types. These exams help to determine what what your quirk would be best suited for for the future. 

Most people at a certain age has to take a specific NQET for their quirk type. Depending on the type depends when they are supposed to take the exam. For most quirks the age limit is 18 though some are lowered to 17 or 16 depending how in demand their power is when there is an emergency.

Each country's NQET has different laws to do with what age you had to be to take the exam. For example in Australia those with water based quirks now take the Aquatic NQET at 16 to help with wildfires. But in places like England that's not in high need so its stays at 18.

However one thing that always stays the same in the countries that have signed the Quirk Laws Agreement was that Electricity based quirks had the age limit for the NQET lowered to 11. This is due to the necessity for their power and lack of it in numbers.

People with these electrical quirks who pass the NQET then become members of the governments Quirk Regulation System, where they will be called apon if ever thier quirk is needed. And as far as the public know, the age limit for these quirks has not been lowered past 16.

Anyone involved with the QRS is sworn to secrecy for their safety. After passing the test they are given a number name and two handlers, then trained in safety procedures incase they come in contact with a villain (which sadly was very common). They're family is also trained incase they are targeted too.

And denki kaminari is no different


No one pov

Class 1A were listing to one of aizawas lectures on hero laws while the sun shone threw the blinds. Denki watched the shadows they were making instead of looking at the board. Aizawa sighed, it was obvious kaminari had adhd and it was always a struggle to keep him focused in lessons. Sometimes ojiro would let him pet his tail or momo would create some small fidget toys to help him concentrate, but today they didnt seem to be helping. Aizawa made a mental note to ask momo or bakugou to go over what he was talking about with kaminari later.

Denkis mind wondered as he watched the shadows create new patterns in the sunlight. He thought about random things from what would there be for lunch to which pokemon the bakusquad would be. He new he should be focusing but today it was pretty hard for him and the shadows just kept getting his attention so it wasnt his fault!

As if something had told him to start paying attention, denki looked up to the board to see what sir was doing. Suddenly their was a ringing coming from his pocket. The class all turned towards the electric blonde confused. Everyone new you had to leave phones at the dorms, so why did he have his on him?

Denki swore under his breath immediately pulling the burner phone from his pocket and standing up. He had two phones one for normal things, but he was also given a burner phone from the government. It changed after every time he was needed to go help somewhere. He didn't like having to keep it on all the time, but he legally couldnt turn it off.

"Mr Aizawa! I need to go now!" He said urgently, he couldn't wast much more time and his handlers should be at the gate already.

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