unfinished business

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"hi kalynn" you said shyly following behind weston he couldn't wipe the smile off his face
"hey y/n" she seemed quiet
"are you alright" you asked softly standing next to her as weston took a seat on the sofa
"yeah i will be just not feeling too good i'm probably going to head to bed"
"do you need anything me and weston can go out and grab you some stuff"
she smiled and was about to speak before weston interrupted "but you've just been out why wouldn't you get your own stuff" weston moaned
"i'm kidding we will get your stuff"
you didn't know how this was going to go you couldn't get what happened off your mind the way he spoke to you and his touch was like nothing you've ever experienced before.
kalynn headed to her room you grabbed your car keys and weston got up following you out the door
"wait weston can i borrow a sweater or something i'm cold"
"ew no"
you punched his arm
"weston" you whined
"i'm joking i'm joking i'll meet you at your car"
you smiled to yourself and headed to the parking garage you got in and started the car up not long after weston got there throwing the knitted sweater at you as he got in you giggled and put it on before you both buckled up to leave it amazed you how normal he was acting you didn't want to speak to soon so you quickly started a conversation
"so how did filming go" you asked keeping your eyes on the road you felt him look over at you
"it was good i guess you look nice in that by the way" you blushed
"thanks weston" you smiled
"so we're do we need to go?" you asked
"umm target it's just up here actually" he said directing you with his hand
you pulled in at target after a surprisingly not awkward car ride as you were about to get out the car
i think i spoke too soon
"yeah" you said looking up at him
"when can we finish what we started" he said with lust in his eyes
you bit down on your bottom lip looking at him everything in you wanted to take this to the back seat
"weston can this not wait till we get back" you sighed not really wanting to talk about this in a target parking lot
"oh i can wait it doesn't seem like you can though" he could see the desperate look on your face

you looked around to see if anyone was around.

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