The lady checked a list in front of her, flipping a page up. "Room 146."

"Thank you."

She nodded as I walked away, passing by Carrots as I grabbed his wrist and dragged him along behind me. I counted the rooms we passed, my nerves increasingly getting worse as we got closer to 146.

144, 145... and 146.

I stood on front if the door, taking a deep breath before turning my head to look at Carrots. "Stay here."

"What, why?" the red head questioned with furrowed eyebrows.

"Dally doesn't really, uh, like you," I stuttered out.


"Yeah, sorry, can't be helped." I dramatically lifted my shoulders and shrugged, turning the handle to Dally's room before stepping inside.

He laid on the bed in the middle of the room, the white hospital blanket draped over his bare chest as he slept. My breath hitched, not used to seeing Dally in such a predicament. I quietly made my way to the side of the bed, leaning over to press a small kiss onto his forehead.

"See you, Dal," I whispered, a small smile making it's way onto my lips as I left his room, softly closing the door behind me.

"Aw, that was so-"

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes, walking past Carrots as he threw his hands up in exasperation.

"What did I do?!" he exclaimed.

"Just shush!"

After I had checked out of the hospital, Carrots and me made our way through our neighborhood.

We took a longer path to avoid the risk of coming into contact with any Socs, and made it home.

One of the nurses (sadly, Andrea had been given the night shift so I didn't get a chance to say goodbye) had given me a bag of bandages and ointment, along with instructions on how to properly treat my burns.

I walked Carrots to his house, hugging him as a "thank you" for helping me in the hospital. He walked inside as I turned around, staring at the Curtis house across the street.

I made my way over, stepping onto the porch as I heard the sound of whistling coming from inside.

I smiled, yanking open the screen door before setting down my bag of medical supplies on the floor besides me.

"Hello?" I called out, excitedly walking past the couch of the Curtis house and towards the kitchen.

The whistling ceased, a blonde head of hair poking around the corner as I was met with the confused face of Ponyboy.

His eyes lit up, a grin etching its way onto his lips as his eyes rested on me standing in front of him.

Pony wasted no time in rushing towards me, throwing his arms around my torso before hoisting me into the air.

I laughed as he spun me around, wrapping my legs around his waist as he stopped spinning and held me up.

"Hey," Pony greeted with a cheeky smile.

"Hi," I replied, carefully resting my bandaged arms around his neck.

We just stared at each other with smiles resting on our lips, overjoyed to be able to finally see each other without being inside of a hospital.

"How've y'been?" I questioned, fiddling with the bleached hairs on the nape of Pony's neck.

He let out a small laugh, gently placing me back onto my feet. "Couldn't be better, you?"

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐒 & 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐒 | ponyboy curtisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant