
Start from the beginning

Oh, something terrible will happen, and they are so going to enjoy it.

When the class finished, Tom turned towards the class.

"any doubt?" He asked

Then he saw heaven rising her hand.

"Yes, Miss.peverell" He asked.

"No doubt, professor, just wanted to say I was impressed with your spell work today," She started innocently.

"While appreciate your praise, miss peverell but sees what spell work are you talking about as we just covered theory portion in our class today, you would know that if you were paying attention." He commented with a raised eyebrow Making everyone but her friend laugh at her, thinking of her like an idiot.

While her friends know that she is far from an idiot and are trying to figure out what she is doing.

"Oh no, professor i was talking about the enchantment you did on your class door truly amazing to keep unwanted people to pass from it." She said.

Tom narrows his eye. He can't correct her and say that the enchantment was to keep specifically her out.

He doesn't know want albus at his back on his first day. So, he goes with the flow.

"Impressive observation miss.peverell i was thinking no one would able to see through my spell but you clearly proved me wrong" oh, she proved him wrong but internally, he was relieved that she didn't identify the enchantment correctly or Albus would have really kicked him out.

"Thank you, sir can you teach us those it will be so helpful in our dormitory" she asked sweetly.

"Miss.peverell this a very complex spell and way out of any first years reach. I will be teaching that when you all are in your 6th year. Now if thats all, lets go have lunch i am sure you all must be hungry" with that they all started making their way out.

While they all where confused what just happened but one look from heaven and they knew they will get everything soon.

When they were out of the class they hear a yelp.

They all turn around to see professor who can't come out of his class.

Every time he tries to come out, he gets a small shock, making him yelp.

He examined his enchantment and turned red.

"Peverell, what did you do!" Professor yell in a fury.

Heaven made the most innocent face she could and replied.

"well professor, you just said that a mere first year like me can't understand the enchantment. so, how can i do something this advance." She said.

Tom tried. He did try to come up with a better argument, but he couldn't.

Then she continued.

"Professor, it looks like your enchantment find you unwanted," she tsked.

Now he was furious "You litt-" he tried to speak, but heaven cut him off.

As she whispered in his ear. She was so close to him made his body heat from tip to toe.

"Ah ah, Careful tom, you don't want to loose your teacher facade for some first-year student for no reason when you have no proof, now do you?" her magic compels him to agree with her. Every fiber, every bone in his body sing to give in.

But then, suddenly, she pulls away as if she is trying not to break him soon.

As if she would take her sweet time to put him on his knees, and this was just a trailer.

And that shit terrified him more than death himself.

ironic, isn't it. Now he is terrified of death's daughter only if he knew.

But to him, he has conquered death. This girl shouldn't be a problem, right?

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