Untitled Part 5

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The slender man is a unknown entity the victum that the slender man sees only they see the slender man.

Slender man mostly goes for childeren. He put body parts in trees and the victums he does find he keeps on their tracks while ruining there life.

He dont leave you alone he is on you till his victum is dead. The slender man became a big star on the internet he has his own video game. slender man is located somewhere in germany he was mostly spoke of around 1950 -1960.

Slender man makes you his primare target once he sees you their is no escape.

Also their was on the news that a girl was invited for a sleep over at her friends house. She spended the night over she went down stares to grab a knife she went up stares and stabed her friend endless times. When she was spoke too about this she said slender man told her to. She was a proxy of slender man. a proxy is a person that does stuff for slender or people who act out as the slender man.

Their could be an idea of witch he is real or not he could be this random evil inside your head giving you the need to kill. but where hes an entity could give him many forms. The slender man has no face, he has arms that can almost touch the ground, and he is almost 8 ft tall...

Thanks for reading this first part i hope you liked it. this is only the info on the slender man on the second page there will be unexpected action when i get to it i hope you enjoy it.

THE UNKNOWN ENTITY SLENDER MAN STORYWhere stories live. Discover now