Chapter Five

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Before Sister Jude could even pick up the phone & call the police about the missing patients, she hears a gunshot.

'Frank!' Sister Jude yells out of her office while dropping the phone. Frank comes running towards Jude's office.

'Yes Sister?'

'I want you to get all of the patients to be locked up in their holding cells now. I don't want another escape to happen,' Frank nods his head & walks out of Sister Jude's office, towards the common room.

*rewind back to Hank taking a shot at Misty*

Lana was still talking to Misty about why she was in the forest. Misty grabs Lana's hand but before they could go anywhere, a gunshot goes off. Lana, Kit & Misty look around frantically before they all turn around to hear the screams of Briarcliff Manor. Misty tugs both Kit & Lana with force & drags them out of the area where all three of then heard the gun shot.

Meanwhile, Hank was in the bushes cursing himself after he misses his chance of getting a witch down & down for good. Hank then starts to hear footsteps rustling on the leaves of the forest floor as the footsteps edge closer to Hank. He gets up secretly & tip toed very quickly so he wouldn't of gotten caught. Hank started to follow the trail of Misty Day.

'There all comin' for me now,' Misty said with a nervous crack in her voice.

'Who's coming to get you Misty & why,' questioned Kit.

'Well, I'ma white witch. I bring back people from the dead. There's witch hunters everywhere & most of them are comin' for me. They came into my house & tried to shoot me, then I ended up out here & came across you guys. I know a place though we can all be safe.'

'But we need to go to the local police station & hand in a tape about someone doing something,' Kit mentioned to Misty.

'We can do that later, you have to follow me.'
I don't trust this girl one bit.. She's seems a bit odd & crazy but what do I do? Lana had a little thought to herself about the dirty, unclean Cajun girl. The trio then all moved along & tried to find a highway to catch a ride to this place Misty was talking about.

Briarcliff Manor was chaos after a gunshot sparked everyone in the asylum to go completely more insane than ever before. Everyone was either banging their heads on the walls or poles or walking in circles doing a spiritual dance of some sort. Sister Mary Eunice walked into the common room with a surprised emotion when she saw the insanity of what the patients were showing. Mary then grabbed an old rusty whistle out of the pocket of her black lacey nun dress & blew the whistle to calm everyone down.

'Listen up everyone. I know that you're aware there was a gunshot not so long ago. So if I was you, Frank & I will put you back in your rooms for the time being. Anyone that refuses to go in their own rooms will be put into solitary.' With that demand, everyone was then moving back to thier rooms. Sister Mary Eunice smiked at the work she done but then her smile ended when she saw Doctor Oliver Thredson hurry his way out of the common room towards the exit of Briarcliff Manor.

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