Chapter Two

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The door opens slowly & Lana walks in & sees someone sitting in the chair in front of Sister Jude's office desk.

'Hello.. Who are you,' Lana nervously asks the person sitting on the chair. The person then turns around, stands up & looks at Lana.

'Hey Lana, no time no see.' Lana runs towards the person & hugs the person until she felt better again. It was Kit Walker, the man that got accused for the Bloody Face murders.

'Kit, it's so good to see you. Why are you here?'

'I'm here because I need one thing. I need those tapes that we got of Oliver Thredson confessing he's Bloody Face.'

'Okay.. But I need to go downstairs & get the tapes. The only thing is that I don't know where the tape is.'

'Bullshit, you know where it is Lana. Anyway, I thought it could be a good idea if I signed you out of this bloody Asylum.'

Lana's pale face then woke up when Kit said those words. She's been waiting to hear those words for a long time. She's only been at Briarcliff for 6 months & the place has already drived her insane. Lana then got a chair & sat next to Kit Walker & thought to herself if she wanted to actually get out of the asylum or stay & overhear the exchange of words Sister Jude would have with Frank.

Meanwhile, back in the common room Sister Jude & Sister Mary Eunice storm into the common room to see most of the patients scattered around the place & a new patient on the floor, on their knees. Sister Jude walks up to the new patient slowly with a stern look on her face. She looks at Frank & asks her questions while Sister Mary Eunice was taking care of patients in the background.

'So, who's the new 'scary' patient?'

'This one's a rough one. He was handed in by someone anonymous after he tried to kill people with a lot of guns & some kind of bullet.'

Sister Jude reassured herself & bent down to look at the new patient. The new patient had a white stray jacket on with blue ripped pants. The facial features were rigid. The face was covered with a black beard, joining the lines of the hair. The hair was black too & his eyes were a dark brown.

'What is your name,' Sister Jude asked the patient as she was still bent down on her knees.

'My name is Hank. Hank Foxx. I believe witches are real & I've seen them & I've tried to kill them. I'm part of an ancient society of wich hunters that-'

'Oh, another witch believer! How brilliant. Frank, take this 'Hank' to hydrotherapy please, then take him to solitary. He needs to re-think what's real or not.' Sister Jude bent up again to a standing position & walked towards the exit of the common room. Frank & his sercurity guard friends grabbed the confused Hank & dragged him to the hydrotherapy room where he would be 'fixed.'

Sister Mary Eunice stopped looking after the patients & walked with Sister Jude back to her office.

'Sister Jude, do you think he can handle this guy & his little things he believes in?'

'Oh Sister Mary, of course we can handle him. All he needs is a little hand from God.'

They both reached Sister Jude's door & opened the door. Jude marched in first about to speak but her eyes saw the chair empty. Sister Jude suddenly got angry & marched out.


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