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Since the dawn of time, mankind has been in a constant squabble over Earth's precious resources. As we became more technologically advanced, those tensions rose. In the year 2100 the United Nations established the first lunar colony in hopes to inspire mankind to reach out to other sources for desired materials. For twenty three years the colony flourished. It all changed when Galaxy Mining made a discovery that would change humanity forever, Galactum. Not much was or still is known about this unusual substance.

Eventually, scientists discovered ways to use this new substance to create fantastic technologies. This opened up a world of new advances. Almost every government on the planet rushed to claim their share of this substance. Tensions rose and peace was once again lost. The unfortunate residents of the Lunar Colony found themselves in the crossfire. Eventually, they were forced to evacuate as tensions evolved into violence. The beginning of 2124 marked the beginning of the Great War.

Historically, wars always caused people to perform unspeakable evils. Over the course of twenty years, entire countries were laid to waste. Lush ardent valleys became toxic wastelands, and once proud cities became nothing more than irradiated rubble. The dead were innumerable. Billions were massacred. New weapons were designed using Galactum that had the power to erase humanity from existence. It was under these conditions that a tentative ceasefire was arranged.

The ceasefire held, sometimes barely, for three years. During this time leaders met to craft the future of the planet. They all agreed that we needed a single banner to unify under. Rulers from every nation still standing gathered and formed, what is known as, the Council.

The Council spent years trying to mend the damage that had been done by the war. There were still many people who held onto their burning hatred. At times it seemed as if war was inevitable. The Council realized that people needed something else to focus on. They decided to revive the Lunar Colony to inspire people to look past the Earth and focus on the future.

Twenty five years after the abandoning of the lunar colony, it was ready for habitation. Extraction of Galactum was closely controlled by The Council. Not everybody was happy with the way the world was being shaped. It started with several rogue militant groups. Shortly after they became known, they were joined by dissidents, military personnel, and several extremist groups. They called themselves Chaos, and they had their sights on Galactum.

When The Council realized the true threat that Chaos posed, they ordered the creation of Battle Fleet. The fleet was ordered to protect humanity from internal and external threats. This was to be the biggest and most advanced fleet ever created. At the heart of the fleet was a single ship called Unity.

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