I Do

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Three. Three days to go until the big moment arrives. The wedding of the Avatar and the CEO of Future Industries. The press had a field day with the news, publishing it everywhere. It was never really private when it came to Korra and Asami's relationship and this was no different. The Wedding Of The Year!

But the couple had managed to keep the location under wraps. This was an important and magical day for them and they are not gonna let reporters storm their wedding. So they decided to have the wedding at Air Temple Island. 

Pema, Tenzin and the kids were busy organizing the place for the wedding with the help of the air acolytes. It was a busy week at the island...preparing every square inch for the big day. 

Korra kept the guest list to a minimum, only inviting their closest friends and family. But this wasn't the case for Asami. She had no family to attend. Her father was still in jail and was not allowed to come for the wedding. But at least she had her friends with her.

All the guest were staying at the island. Senna and Tonraq came a week before the wedding. Bolin, Opal and Mako were there too. Other guests included Lin, Kya, Su and Toph. The last guest to arrive was Iroh as he had to travel from the fire nation. Everyone was settled in, helping however they can. 


It was Saturday already. Time flies when you're planning a wedding. And today, it's the real deal.

It was a beautiful sight at Air Temple Island. The wedding hall was set in the temple. Thousands of flowers and ornaments were adequately decorated along the walls. Seats were set in front of the altar and a huge palanquin beside it. The guests had finally started arriving as the event was about to begin soon.

Four hours earlier

 Korra and Asami were kept in separate rooms. They hadn't seen each other for 24 hours under Senna's orders. It was bad luck to see your partner right before the wedding. Even though it was silly, the couple obliged out of respect to her.

Asami had hired hair stylists and makeup artists and many more people whose professions Korra could not remember. She was too busy being touched and poked by various random people who thought they knew her body and appearance better than her. She did not like it at all but went with it since Asami insisted her to. She could suck it up for a day. Besides, this was her wedding anyway. 

Pema and Senna went out for shopping two days before the wedding for the bridal dresses. If anyone could get the couple dressed, it was them. 

As soon as Asami finished with her cosmetics, she had Pema help her with the dress. It was a pure white mermaid wedding dress with a sweetheart neckline and complimented with a long veil. Korra in the other room had her mom help her out. She wore a white V-neck dress also with a veil. 

"You're so beautiful Korra. I've always imagined this day and you just look perfect. I love you so much darling. Senna said teary eyed.

"Thanks mom. I love you too." Korra replied.



Tonraq was waiting at behind the closed door waiting for his daughter. It was customary that a male figure whom was close to the bride to walk them down the aisle. And for Korra it was her father. As soon as he laid his eyes on her, tears ran down his cheek.

"My daughter is all grown up now isn't she?" After a small silence, he continued. "I'm proud of you kiddo. I've always been." Tonraq said.

"Aww dad..." Korra had to hold in tears as to not ruin her makeup. They hugged and slowly walked in the hall, down the aisle. Mellow music was playing at the background. Varrick was quite the musician.

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