Chapter 5

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WOAH! When I heard Dot scream, Yakko and I gasped and we looked at each other with worry in our eyes.
"DOT!", we shouted.
We immediately dropped everything and rushed to her makeup spot. When we got there , I said,
"What happened, Dot?!
To my surprise, Dot was simply brushing her fluff. She turned around and said,
"Oh, that? I freaked out with the way my fluff looked. Nothing to worry about, go back to getting ready"
"You were freaking out over fluff..?", said Yakko
"Oh sure!"
"Uhhhhhhh, ok then. Wakko and I were just worried about you. We'll get back to getting ready now"
"That's more like it!"

After a while, Yakko and I were ready. We all left the water tower and we headed our way to the soundstage we were gonna film in. I was excited, but I was also quite unsure about Dot; specifically about what happened earlier. I know she can get worried about if her fluff looks good, but that seemed like a bit much. I tried not to question it too much, though as Yakko and I were about to film "You Risk Your Life" very soon. When we arrived at the door to the soundstage, I saw that Dot brought a bottle of perfume with her and was spraying it on a lot. I told Yakko,
"Um, Yakko? Dot brought perfume with her"
"She did?", replied Yakko.
"Uh huh. Please tell her it's not allowed"
But then Dot overheard us and said,
"Oh, PLEASE! I can bring my perfume whenever I want to, thank you very much!"
"But you know that perfume isn't allowed in soundstages for safety reasons, right? Also, you're putting on way too much of it, anyways. Here, give me the perfume. I promise I'll keep it safe with me."
"Ugh, fine!"
She handed Yakko the perfume and he stored it in a little box he pulled out from my gag bag.

We entered the soundstage, where everything was almost done being set up. There was a giant game show set that looked just like "You Bet Your Life", the game show this episode was parodying. It was cool looking! And I saw a cable suspension with a rope attached to it from the top of the game show set, where I presumed that's where I had to go. Yakko and I were pretty impressed by the set. But Dot wasn't. She said,
"Meh, I've seen better"
The director then came up to us and said,
"Yakko! Wakko! Glad you made it on time. We'll begin filming very shortly. In the meantime, we have Yakko's costume ready to go. And is Dot here to watch you two?"
"Got it! And yup, she's here to watch! Though she hasn't been in a good mood this morning. Maybe she woke up on the wrong side of the bed?" Yakko replied.
"Ok then! Alright, Dot. While your brothers get ready, you can sit in that chair over there where you'll be able to see them perfectly"
Yakko went over to get into his costume, which was a grey tux with a red bow tie, while I went over to the cable suspension. They tied the rope around my waist and I got my mallet ready. I was all set to go! And so was Yakko! He was holding a large pencil with him as well. I think he was parodying Groucho Marx, who normally held a cigar. He called out to me,
"How's the view, baby bro?"
"It's great!" I replied.
But then we heard Dot say,
"Can we get started already??"
The director said to her,
"Don't worry, we're pretty much ready to go. Alright, places everyone!" After everyone got ready for the opening scene, the director shouted,
This episode was a lot of fun! It felt pretty good being lowered down so I could smash Aristotle's head with a mallet several times thanks to multiple takes! And with each take, Yakko delivered his lines perfectly as well! Sometimes, each take would be funnier than the last! Though, the only con throughout the whole thing was that Dot had a sour look on her face the whole time. She didn't laugh, she didn't smile, she didn't say anything! All she had were her arms folded. But I didn't let that bother me.

After we were done filming for the day (you can't film an episode in one day, you know), we went back to the water tower, as the sun set. Yakko gave Dot her perfume back and she sprayed a lot of it like she did this morning.
"This is a fun episode so far! I can't wait until we continue filming tomorrow!" said Yakko.
I responded with,
"Me too! I loved smashing that actor who played as Aristotle with that mallet!"
We then got a little worried for Dot. Yakko said,
"Aw, we're sorry Dot. At least you had fun watching us act, right?"
Dot told Yakko,
"Sorry! Too busy putting on perfume!"
"Dot, don't you think you're going a bit excessive with the perfume? Heck, the bottle is almost out and it was nearly full this morning.."
"Who cares? I'll still smell cute!"
"Ok, ok.."
When we got back to the water tower, Dot set her nearly empty perfume bottle down on her makeup spot. I told Yakko,
"Yakko? Can we speak for a bit? Meet me outside the water tower"

Yakko and I went outside the water tower where the rails were. Yakko asked me,
"What is it, Wakko?"
"I'm a little concerned about Dot" I replied.
"How so?"
"Don't you think she's acting a little bit more...angrier and more vain than usual?"
"I think I noticed that. She was pretty grumpy when she watched us film today"
"Not just that. She screamed over her fluff, she put on way too much perfume, and she was being kinda rude to you, me, and everyone at the soundstage."
"Oh yeah, that too! I can see why you're concerned. But for me, uhhhhhh, I honestly think she's just stressed out over her being omitted. We all make stupid decisions when we're stressed out."
"Well, I guess you might be right. I'm still gonna keep an eye on her"
"Ok, baby bro. Thanks for the talk! Let's get inside and rest up for tomorrow. We got more filming to do"
"Sure thing, big brother!"

Later that night, when we were getting into our beds, I saw Dot holding what looks like a compact. But for some reason, she was whispering into it as if it was a walkie talkie. I couldn't make out what she was saying, so I asked her,
"Who are you taking to?"
She got startled and quickly put away that compact. She then said,
"Nothing! Nothing!"
"You should get some rest too if you want to watch me and Yakko again"
She gets into bed and falls asleep quickly. Before falling asleep, I was wondering if Dot was alright and I was hoping her behavior would improve by tomorrow.

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