Chapter 4

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     We woke up bright and early for the episode Yakko and Wakko were filming.  As we were getting out of bed, Yakko said,
"Well, siblings.  Today's another day for filming!  Let's all look our best today, especially you and I, Wakko!"
After hearing that, I started feeling down again because I remembered that I wasn't gonna be in it.  Yakko noticed this, felt a bit bad, and said,
"Oh, sorry Dot...If you'd like, feel free to still make yourself look extra cute"
That made me perk up little and I said,
"Well, ok.  Might as well"
Wakko then chimed in with,
"Don't worry, Dot.  I'm sure the next episode will feature you!"
"Let's hope so..."
"For now, let's get ready"
We got dressed, ate breakfast, and we headed to our makeup spots.

     In the water tower, we have three separate spots for where we do our makeup and get ourselves ready for filming.  Even though I was only watching them, something about me getting myself ready just felt right.  I still wanted to look cute.  First, I brushed my fluff and I put my ears up with my flower band.  I then applied some blush onto myself.  But then, when I got my mascara out, I heard something bump.  I looked around wondering where it came from. 
"Yakko?  Wakko?" I asked.
"Was that one of you guys?"
I overheard Yakko respond,
"Sorry, Dot!  I'm too busy!"
I shrugged and I got up to look around.  I heard the same bump again, but this time I realized it was coming from outside the water tower rather than the inside.  So, I pushed the door open and I went outside.  The sky was still dark, but it looked like the sun was about to rise any minute now.  I saw some crew members on the lot because everyone was getting ready for today's episode.  As I was looking around, I heard that bump again for the third time.  But this time, I also heard a voice say something like,
"Target acquired"
At this point, I was getting nervous.  So, I said,
"Wh-who's there?  You better come out...o-or you die!"
I looked down and I saw two toons and what looked like a pile of rocks, which explains the bumping.  It was too dark for me to tell for sure, so I said,
"Well?  Show yourselves!"
They approached the ladder to the water tower and they climbed up.  Once they got on top nearby they door, I got a better look at them.  They looked just like Yakko and Wakko, except they had space-looking clothes and dark red eyes.  When I saw this, I said,
"Hey!  You're not my brothers!"

     Then suddenly, the one that looked like Yakko  grabbed my arms and the one that looked like Wakko grabbed my legs!  This caught me off guard, so I let out a quick scream.  They then jumped off the water tower with me!  As we were falling, I overheard the real Wakko say,
"What happened, Dot?!"
Once they reached the ground, they began running off with me.  I struggled to get out and I began shouting,
"Let me go!  Let me go, you-!"
The Yakko-imposter then covered my mouth while saying,
"Shut up, you!"
They ended up running across the studio and they eventually left Warner Bros. and began heading towards fields in the North.  Why North?  No idea.  There were so many emotions going through my head.  At this point, I had no idea where they were taking me.  Even though a hand was covering my mouth, I shouted,
"HELP ME!  Where are you taking me?!  Tell me!!"
They just kept on running and running.  I struggled so hard to break out, but their grip was too strong.  It was so strong that a part of my gloves ripped.  Specifically, my fingers were exposed now.  I got pretty worried about that, but that was the least of my problems.  They ran through even more fields and I was starting to question if we were even in Burbank anymore because none of these fields looked even remotely familiar to me.  I screamed once again and the Wakko-imposter told me,
"You better stop doing that!  No one can hear you!"
It must've been a few hours of us running through fields and me struggling to get out.  In fact, I was so clueless to where I was that I had no idea if we were still in California or not.  At this point, the sun was rising.  At some point, I just ended up giving up struggling and screaming since those aren't getting me anywhere.  And finally, after what felt like five hours, they stopped running.

     They ended up bringing me to a place that looked like an abandoned dungeon in the middle of nowhere.  They walked in, still carrying me, and they found the nearest cell.  This dungeon made me feel nervous.  There was dust everywhere, I would occasionally hear water droplets as the roof was leaky, and this place was made entirely out of grey bricks.  Each cell had its bars and lock and there were cuffs located on the wall.  There was also this one room that was located in the front of the cells.  I assumed that that was the security room as I thought I could see security cameras as well.  They tossed me into one of the cells and right when I began running, they grabbed my arms.  I kept moving my arms around a lot while I shouted,
"Hey!  What are you doing with me?!  Let me go!"
They raised my arms while saying,
"Hold still!"
A few minutes later, the imposters had locked my hands in the handcuffs.  My arms were dangling over my head.  At this point, I was both mad and sad.  I asked these imposters,
"Where am I?  Why did you take me here?"
"This is an abandoned dungeon we found and we figured it was the perfect place to take you here since no one will ever find you here.  After all, you deserve it!" said imposter Yakko.
"What's going on?!  Tell me!"
"That's classified!"
I growled a little and I did some thinking as I saw the Yakko imposter put the key to my cell on a hook located nearby the security room.
"Think, Dot, think!  How can you get out of here?"
I then got an idea.

     "I got it!  I'll just use my cuteness to escape!"
So, I batted my eyelashes and smiled in an adorable way.
"Oh, mister Yakko lookalike?" I said.
He turned around quickly and said,
"What do you want?!"
"Pwease let me out of this celly-welly?"
"Pweasey squeezey weezy with a chewwy on top?"
"You're not cute.  You were never cute at all!"
I immediately got shocked from this and I asked,
"You're so stupid for thinking you were cute in the first place.  Everyone knows that the crazy one's the cute one, not you.  You're not even close to being cute like him!"
"I'm not stupid..!"
"Ok, then.  You wanna know what you are?  The worst Warner sibling.  And another thing: wanna also know why no one will find you here?  It's because no one likes you"
I was so shocked that I began crying a little when I was told that.  The Wakko-imposter then said,
"That's right.  So get used to this place, prisoner.  This will be the only place you know for a very long time.  And we'll be keeping a very close eye on you, so don't try escaping again because that won't work on us!"
I then saw both imposters go into the security room.  Later on in the evening, I saw imposter Yakko come out, go to a corner, and get out his walkie talkie.  I managed to hear him say,
"This is Yakko, coming in.  We have successfully kidnapped the prisoner.  Are you taking her place?"
"I'm in.  This plan is turning out successful, so far.  You and Wakko keep lowering her guard until she snaps" said a voice from the walkie talkie that I assumed was my imposter since she sounded just like me.
"Affirmative" said imposter Yakko.
I then saw him go back into the security room. 

     Now it was just me.  I couldn't move whatsoever since my arms were chained up to a wall.  As the moonlight shined through the window, all I could do was look up at the ceiling.  I thought to myself,
"As if things couldn't get worse for me.  Now I've been kidnapped by these imposters!  And I can't even escape!  I hope my brothers will notice my imposter quickly...and what does she mean by 'until I snap'?"
I then looked around again and sighed out of sadness, with a little bit of tears in my eyes.  I was hoping at least someone would come rescue me soon.

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