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Billie Joe's POV----
It was 5:15 when my ma called me and Danny down to leave. She called us down at 5 but then sent us back up to change cuz apparently we weren't dressed properly. I came down in black skinny jeans, a button up, and a tie with my hair slightly less messy than usual. I figure might as well try to look decent considering I was technically havin dinner with my girlfriend an her family. "Hot stuff dickhead" my brother said as he walked downstairs in his plaid button up. "Boys," my ma said as we shoved eachother around, "let's try to be polite today ok?" Danny and I looked at eachother then back at my ma and said real sweet, "yes mother" as we laughed. The three of us began our walk over to Sammi's house and my ma lectured us the whole damn way. "Finally" Danny said when we got there as he raced to knock on the door. "Ma, they're here" I heard Sammi say from the inside. I thought she was gonna saner the door so I put on a nice smile but the damn preacher answered it instead. "Ollie" he said to my ma. "Michael." He gestured in and said "boys" as Danny and I walked past. Maybe I was just nervous, but I swear he gave me a dirty look. "Calm down bro" my brother said as he slapped my shoulder and walked over to Alex and Dylan. Sammi came out from the kitchen and caught Danny's arm. "I'll take your coat" she said as Danny handed it to here and smiled. Then she walked over to me and said "hey" with a cute smirk. "Hey" I said with a guilty grin. "Your coat?" "Oh yeah" I said. She was wearing a cute dress, not like the one from our date but cute either way. "I like your dress" I said. She smiled softly and whispered back "thanks, you look pretty cute yourself." She took a quick glance around and then stole a kiss on my cheek. Then she hightailed it out and her momma called from the kitchen that dinner was ready.
Sammis POV----
We walked to the kitchen but Billie Joe stayed a little closer to the boys and a little further from me than I woulda liked. Momma was setting the table and Ollie was helpin her despite my ma sayin how she was the guest. I took my seat at the table and Billie Joe sat down next to me. "Claimed that spot pretty quick Huh boy?" I heard my daddy say quietly to Billie Joe. "Uh sorry sir," Billie Joe said standing up. "Oh Billie, Michael's just teasin you. Ain't you Michael?" My daddy gave momma a look but then remembered their talk early and slapped Billie Joe's shoulder saying "sure, sit down kid." Billie Joe did so obediently. Pretty soon everyone was at the table and we all began to eat. It was kinda awkward at first until Dylan, Danny, and Alex broke the silence talkin about football. "Billie Joe," my ma said, "why don't you tell us somethin about yourself?" "Oh," said Billie Joe, "I uh, I'd love to." He sounded real nervous and my daddy wouldn't take his eyes off of him. "Yeah kid," daddy said, "tell us about yourself considerin you don't play football." "Oh, well actually I'm not really into sports," Billie Joe said. "Billie Joe is the musician in the house" said Ollie. "He takes after his daddy." "Oh that's nice," my momma said with a smile. She was obviously tryin to help me and Billie Joe, but she wan't doin to good of a job cuz the next thing outa her mouth almost made daddy explode. "Sammi really wants to play the guitar yknow. She has one but she never plays and aint nobody around to give lessons-" "Angela," my daddy tried cutting in. "Billie Joe maybe you could teach her!" My mother said as if the thought had just occurred to her. Before anyone had time to say anything Ollie, BIllie Joe's momma smiled real big and said "I think that's a great idea! Since you been volunteerin at the church maybe you two can hangout after and Billie Joe can teach you a little bit." Billie Joe and I began to panic because our moms were doin exactly what they said they wouldn't do; they were makin the preacher real mad. "I don't think that's a good idea" daddy said. "Oh well why not Michael? Let the kids have a little fun." "Angela, I just don't an I'm sayin no" my daddy said sternly. For some reason I got real mad all of a sudden because why should I have to be scared to be in my house with the boy I love? It aint fair and that was all I was thinkin about when daddy said that so, I squeezed Billie Joe's hand tight under the table and gave him a look, "I'm sorry" I mouthed to him. "Daddy," I started to say, but Billie Joe cut in. "Yknow sir, if you don't think it's a good idea that's fine by me. Actually sir, yknow I agree with you, it probably aint a good idea what with me always gettin into trouble an stuff right?" "Billie Joe," my momma began, but he kept goin. "As a matter of fact sir, I think this whole thing was a bad idea and I should probably just go now. Besides, I don't really know what I'm doin here an you obviously don't want me here so if it's ok with you ma I think I'm just gonna head home now." Billie Joe stood up and looked at his momma and then at me, "No," he said, "I'm sorry" and then he left before I could even process what had happened. 

Danny's POV----

"Holy shit" Dylan mouthed to me and Alex. The three of us were dumbfounded and I'm pretty sure everyone else was too. "Sorry about him," I said, bein used to cleaning up after my little brother. "You'll have to excuse him, he's under a lot of pressure right now. Ma," I said turning to our mother, "I'm gonna go after him, but you stay here and catch up with Angela, I'll call if anything happens." I stood up to go when the preacher said "at least you got one good kid Ollie" and chuckled. I was just about to turn an say somethin to defend my brother, but someone else beat me to it. "Yknow what daddy," Sammi said standing up. "Billie Joe is a good boy an you of all people shoulda given him a chance! Momma told you this night was important to her an I thought you'd respet that but yknow what? This night was important to me!" "Samantha, sit down" said the preacher. "No daddy! I'm not gonna sit down, I'm gonna go out there and chase after the mess you just made out of the boy I love!" "Samantha!" He yelled, "sit down right now before I send you to your room!" Sammi laughed and said "go ahead daddy, send me to my room cuz you're so goddamn blind that you didn't even hear what I just said!" "Don't you dare use the Lord's name in vain" her father yelled, "get upstairs right now and don't you dare come out until the dishes are ready to be washed!" "For Christ's sake Michael! Listen to the girl would you! She's trying to tell you somethin an you aint even listening!" Angela spoke up. "Angela, stay out of this. Samanthat, go to your room." Sammi looked her father dead in the eye then and said real slow and clear, "no daddy. I'm goin after Billie Joe because you hurt him and I. Love. Him. I love Billie Joe and aint nothin you can do about it." She turned and walked out the door then with her father calling after her. "By the way daddy" she yelled from the doorway, "thank you for having my boyfriend over for dinner!"

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