c h a p t e r 2

112 4 3

"who said i hated you, darling?"

I couldn't sleep that night due to my brain still functioning about what Tom said.

I tried to ignore it but i kept tossing and turning and just gave up sleeping.

I walked down the dusty manor stairs until i heard whispering from the lounge.

I knew sometimes when mother was angry she would whisper to herself but it was different this time. There was another voice.

I walked closer to the voices then stopped and stood against the wall next to the door of the lounge, the walls were filled with paintings from our family tree on fathers side.

"but she's happy at Beauxbatons, she would just visit him at the hospital?" my mothers voice rang, she sounded upset and a little bit angry.

"i know Evelyn but if you really want to help Tom and most importantly Y/n, i would suggest moving her to hogwarts, i can keep an eye on her for you.." an unfamiliar voice replied, their voice sounded old and peaceful yet sounded so fake.

"Please Evelyn.. for my boy and of course your girl.. they could fall in love.." another voice said. By guessing of the "my boy" part i knew it was Tom's mother.

I wanted to go into the room and tell them no but mother would make the rules worse if she knew i was up late at night and ease dropping on their conversation. I bite my tongue in order for me to stay quite.

"Fine but Albus, you will keep an eye on her. Make sure she's not acting weird or asking dark magic question.." my mother replied, i laughed at the name silently but i went to turn around when i hit an ornament next to me.

I quickly hide behind the old chipped painted piano i got when i was 10 so i wasn't noticed by anyone.

As i hide behind the piano i saw a tall man wearing a a dark suit. He had dark grey hair with a beard.

He looked around to where the noise came from but i heard my mother speak;

"Leave it Albus, it's probably the house elf.." my mother said before going down the hall to open the front door to let them both out.

She went into the kitchen and i saw her open a bottle of fire whiskey, i chose to ignore what she was doing and snuck quietly into my room.

I didn't want to go to Hogwarts, i was happy at Beauxbatons, like mother said. I get that the professors would constantly owl my mother and people would say i'm a miss-fit and "naughty" but i had friends there and being at Hogwarts would be different to me, especially if i was with Tom.

I knew i was probably being ungreatful since there would be so many people my age wanting to go to Hogwarts but it just felt off to me.

Tomorrow i was going back to the hospital to see Tom and it's currently 3:45am, I needed at-least some sleep since mother got me up at 5 every single day.

I climbed back into bed and put the covers back over my body. As soon as my head hit the pillow i was in a big slumber forgetting about everything that happened yesterday with Tom and today with mother, Albus and Tom's mother.


"Y/n, I won't tell you again! it's 5:30 get up!" mother shouted from outside the door.

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