Chapter 7: Memoirs of the War

Start from the beginning

How did they do that? I remember so many of the supply trucks carrying vital materials going into Leasath, hell, some of the metals they brought were used to create me!

In my reign of terror above the skies, I've killed so many in the name of war for revenge. Fleet by fleet of ships, brigade after brigade of tanks, squadron after squadrons of fighter planes, manned by humans. Real, alive humans, not some machine-turned human by a mysterious power.

They might have a family, maybe a brother like me and Gandr, or sister, mother, father, hell, maybe they even had kids. They might've promised their family to come back, but in reality, I spared absolutely nothing.

I'm nothing more than a creation of metal and wiring, built for war and destruction, but this—

No, no.

I must not falter.

Commander Navarro had proof. His words are the truth.

Those damned Aurelians… damn them!

I was the hope of my people, the Pride of my people, the collection of their fury!

Our pain, our anguish, OUR TEARS!


That, is what I am.

Our pain is even more excruciating than those bastards!

The Civil War caused poverty, starvation, turmoil, and all sorts of horrible things to my country.


And they, they dared to conspire for their own gain.

How dare they sully my thoughts…

But… It's unfortunate to see children like them all fight, when they're supposed to be enjoying life.

"The sins of the father are not of the son's."

They didn't need to fight, same with the civilians too, but they still did...

Ah, wait, Gandr.

I wish I could, at least, have a sortie with him, we could've ended the war sooner...

I heard, in his first and last sortie, he managed to sink almost the entirety of the Aurelian Navy's fighting force with his SWBMs.

But then, he was immediately shot down, along with his escort squadrons, the Chimera Squadron.

Gandr was supposed to lay siege to Griswall, but he failed before he had even come close to it.

I should've been there, I should've been able to save him, but command rushed for his completion, and sent him out to Area Z2K to intercept the Aurelian Fleet, without the Shock Cannon and Optical Camouflage System being fitted onto him.

He was successful, as expected for my predecessor, but I reckon, everything went wrong because of that move.

It's… saddening, but it's war.

I swear, once I go back, I shall level those damned bastards to the ground, for him, for my brother, for Gandr!

All those territories, all those bloods I've spilled, I WILL avenge him with total victory!

But… there's always this one question in my mind, since I've been able to think for myself;

What if the war was a lie?

What if Commander Navarro lied? Mm, it won't happen. I, and all of Leasath trust him fully with our hearts.

However, if he somehow did, it would mean…

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