☾✞❦𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡❦✞☽

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jules set her alarm for 6am so she could get ready before her mum woke up and didn't have to see her with that new fella she brung home last night, jules loved her mother so much but she was nothing like her sister, miss kean, yes miss kean was jules aunt. she walked into her bathroom and had a shower, she blowdryed her hair as she started to brush through it.jules slipped her blazer on and grabbed her packet of fags from her bag.

"see ya later mum." jules called up.

of course no response. jules rolled her eyes before shutting the front door, she took ages getting ready, it was now 8:30 and there was missy waiting at her with an annoyed face.

"could you have took any longer." missy said.
"i'm sorry i took a shower." jules laughed.
"well, nas walked with her new friends." missy said.
"are you joking? what did we do." jules said.
"no clue doll, must've done sank." missy smiled.

jules and missy linked arms as they walked through the town, missy slapped jules shoulders, there behind them was nas with her new friends, jules gave her the daggers as she dragged missy through the gates.


"nasreen, are you okay?" missy's mum called.
"who let her in the school."alya laughed.
"you should've been the bruise i got last night."
"last night? do you know her?" alya smiled.
"nas, nas darling." missys mum walked up to her.

nas shoved missys mum away from her, she stormed of with alya as missy ran over to her.

"mum?" missy ran over to her mum stumbling.
"mum?" one of nas's friends laughed.
"imagine having her as a mum." alya laughed.
"lend us a fiver will ya love?" missys mum smiled.


missy and jules stormed to the quad after lunch where nas and her friends were walking out the other door. missy looked at jules and they both smiled before walking.

"nasreen!" missy called as she walked over.
"what not got nothing to say have ya."
"look missy i'm sorry alright?" nas said sadly.
"sorry while them lot call her every name under the sun, my mum, slag, treated her like she was scum."
"your too bothered about your mates in hijabs."
"look missy their my mates, you don't know them."
"it's not my fault you got held back a year is it."

missy slapped nasreen, everybody crowded around them and started to cheer missy on, jules could see cory, riz and jordan walking out from the other side, she smiled at jordan.

"missy what are you doing?" nas sobbed.
"oh cause your so perfect your such a good little muslim, you were out not 2 nights ago-"

nas launched herself at missy, the two started to fight, missy managed to get nas on the floor and was punching and slapping her.

"stop, stop stop!" miss kean shouted as she ran out.
"missy get off her, are you alright?" miss kean said.
"yeah thanks for support." nas stormed of.
"what do you expect me to hit her." razia shouted.
"missy you don't attack somebody like that."
"you don't know what she did." missy cried.
"i don't care you don't attack her like that."
"can i go home miss please." missy sobbed.

miss kean smiled at her niece jules before asking her to take missy home, jules hugged missy as she cried into her arms, she took missys arm and the two started to walk home, they got to missy's house as jules said her goodbye and walked across to her house.
her mum wasnt home so she invited jordan round, jules decided to forgive him as missy was right, he probably didn't mean it like that.


jules was snuggled into jordan's chest as they were watching a film, jordan was about to fall asleep before jules jumped back into his arm because of a jump scare in the film.

"woah, you alright there." jordan laughed.
"oh shut up, it ain't funny." jules laughed at him.
"your so cute when your scared." jordan said.
"what did you just say?" jules smiled.
"nothing, nothing at all miss voyle." jordan smiled.
"you know missy and nas." jules sighed.
"your two mates that fell out, yeah." he said.
"i don't know i hate them arguing." jules sighed.

jordan sat up and pulled jules up with him, he knew exactly how she felt, he kissed the top of her head before talking to her again.

"what do you mean? how do you feel?" he asked.
"i don't know i guess i just feel." jules sighed.


"𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙙𝙡𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙞𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2021 ⏰

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