"Maggie, Hey. I just came in with the ambulance and Tiffany Mills. Can you give me an update yet?" I ask looking at the darkskinned nurse standing in front of me, she looks me up and down and then takes a second look. "Ms. Evans. You know only family is allowed in the hospital here. I'm sorry." she says I reach in my backpocket and pull out my badge. "First off, it's Agent. Second of all it's Reid not Evans anymmore. Now I need to go in and speak to the victim." I say looking at her. "Sorry. Hannah, head right in." she says and I nod. "You're awake, good." I say smiling and pulling up the chair next to her bed. "My team are already on their way with Cassandra they should be here soon." I say and she smiles "You're one of the lucky ones, Hannah." she says "Lucky How?" I ask "You got out of this town. Maybe not the way you wanted, but you still got out. You made a life for yourself that you could be proud of, you got a family that loves you. For life sake you pushed against all the odds and joined the FBI. You are a rare case. Tell me one thing, if what happened here never happened, do you think you would be where you are today?" she asks and I look at her the shock spread across my fear. "Ummmm, well-" I go to answer "Mommy!" Cassandra yells running in the room. I look up at Spencer standing in the doorway. "You okay?" he whispers and I nod.

"Garcia found the Berkendown siblings. Prentiss, Rossi, Morgan and Alvez are heading over there now. They said if you want to head over there with JJ and I you can." he says hugging me in the waiting room. I shake my head, "No. I am gonna stay with Tara and Matt. You go, stay safe. I can't risk myself around them right now, the Hannah that killed Gary will come out and I won't be able to control myself if things go south." I say looking down at the ground. "We aren't doing that. Okay you aren't gonna sit here and self-pity about the Gary situation that was years ago, it's done over with. These 2 beautifl human beings need us now. So I am not going either. They should be calling soon with an update, how about we go back to the station and relax." he says and I nod. "I'd like that." I say smilng. He folds his hand with mine and we head back to the station.

Spencer's POV

"This is SSA David Rossi, requesting backup at 24 east meadows street. Shots fired, agent down." I hear over the radio at the desk. I look up and see Hannah's eyes grow wide. "Let's go." she says standing up and walking towards the door. We get in the car as Matt turns the car on and we pull away from the station. I look at Hannah and she looks at me, tears and fear filling her eyes. "Is-is- this my fault?" she asks and I shake my head. She picks the phone up and calls emily, "Han, where are you guys?" I hear Emily says "6 minutes out." Simmons says "Who was hurt Emily? Who was it?" she says and laces her hand with mine. "Morgan. He was shot in the leg. He's fine don't worry." she says and i breath out heavily. "Okay be there soon." she says and hangs up the phone. I reach down and hand vests to everyone in the car. "I am the reason they are doing this, I am gonna talk to them." she says as we pull up to the house. She steps out of the car and heads to the door. She looks back at me looking sad, the last time I saw her this sad was when I thought I was going to lose her to her mom and Gary. She looks from me to Emily and nods placing her hand on her gun. She taps her ear piece on and I hear her corse breathing ring through my ear.

Hannah's POV

"I'm coming in Hillary" I yell over the sound of gunfire. I breath in and open the door, Stephen points his gun at me and knocks mine out of my hand. "Listen to me, Hillary. I know what you're going through. I almost went down this path. It's not healthy. Please." I say raising my hands in the air "You think you can help me? We aren't the same. You moved past this, you have a family, a husband, a stable job. You don't know what I am going through." she yells walking towards me "Really? It took me 24 years to gain real friends, you're hurting and everytime you close your eyes you see what Frank did to you. Right? Guess what? Frank is dead he can't hurt anyone anymore. I lived with that pain for 5 years, your right the other girls, they didn't step up or come forward. It might seem like we all had moved on and you were suffering alone here. For years I regretted everything that happened to you. I felt like it was my fault. We were children Hillary. We couldn't control what happened then, but we can control what happens now, here today. Moving forward can start right now, you can still be angry that anger won't go away but the people you are truly angry with aren't around anymore. You have to move on it's not going to be easy, but that's life and if anyone knows about hardships its us in this town." I say as she places the gun on my shoulder "I've tried it always came back to those moments." she says tears streaming down her face as her finger moves to the trigger I close my eyes "It won't be easy, but please don't hurt me. Like you said I have a family. I want to help you but I can only do that if you put down the gun. Please Hillary." I say placing my hand on the gun and grabbing it from her hand. She wraps her arms around my neck and I can feel her crying. My hand slides up to her back as I slowly pull her off of me and she looks me in the eyes "I'm sorry." she says and I smile a tear falling down my cheek as the officer takes her away.

"How are you feeling?" Emily asks as her, Tara, and JJ sit in front with me on the jet. "I'm okay. Really, I just can't wait to get home and hug Grace and Jason." I say "I know I just want to scoop Henry and Michael up and never let go." JJ says and I laugh nodding. I turn my head to see Spencer asleep on the small couch and I smile to myself. JJ and Tara get up and walk away and Emily looks at me. "Hannah? What's up? You've seemed weird since we got on the jet." she says looking at me "Hmmm. Oh... um just racking my brain about what I am going to say to Grace's school on Monday morning. Em how about tomorrow you and I go out for lunch. We haven't had sister time in so long." I say staring out the window. "Okay. Yeah sure." she says and I close my eyes resting them against the window.

Spencer's POV

As we walk in the door, the sound of pure silence rings through the house. I watch Hannah place the bags in the closet as I make my way down the hallway and in to the living room where both of my precious humans are asleep on the couch. "Hey. You guys are home!" Gina whispers. "Thank you. Gina you are all set to go home." Hannah says. I hear the door close as Gina leaves the house. "Okay. I got Grace you wanna grab Jason?" I ask Hannah. She smiles and leans against the wall. "Let's wait a few minutes. I like watching them sleep, they look so peaceful." she says staring at the kids. I wrap my arm around her waist as we watch the kids sleep. After about 5 minutes she walks over and picks Jason up and I grab Grace. "Dad?" she says when I place her in the bed "Yes munchkin?" I say smiling down at her. "I love you, dad. You are my superhero. I want you to never change and always remember when you are out in the field that I am thinking of you and mom." she says. A single tear falls down my cheek, I kiss her head and walk away closing the door.

I see Hannah sitting at the Kitchen table reading a letter. "Everything okay, babe?" I ask and she looks up "Yeah, everything is fine. Bella wrote me a letter. Thinking about her makes me regret that day in the hospital. I should've fought for biological parental rights. Considering I never really had a choice to put her up for adoption I was being held captive." she says I place my hand on her shoulder and she places her hand on mine. "Read it. Atleast she is staying in contact. You need this right now, I am gonna head to shower and then off to bed." I say kissing her head as she nods "I love you baby." she says "I love you too sweetheart." I say walking away.

Hannah's POV

I exhale sharply and quickly as I cut the top of the envelope open. I flip the letter open and I smile as I begin to read; "Hey Mom. You're probably on a case, so I know not to wait for your response in a timely manner but I got an internship working with a middle school nurse full time and do online school for it to become a permanate position. Gilfred chills at home, I think he has figured out how to work the television which concerns me a little bit but he is what people a jack of many trades. Anyways, I've gotten a therapist and I am going strong. Talk soon, I hope. I love you, Mom."- Bella. I put the ltter back in the envelope and place it in a drawer. I head into the room and lean against the doorframe watching Spencer lay there and read a book in Russian. I shake my head laughing. He smiles back at me patting the bed and returning his eyes to the book, I jump on to the bed and nuzzle my head under his arm and into his chest.

"I lied to you babe." I say and he places the book down on the side table. "About what?" he asks turning to look at me. "Today when I was in the hospital room with Tiffany and you asked me if I was okay. She asked me a question that really got me thinking about my life." I say picking at the blanket my eyes wandering down to stare at the blanket. "What did she ask?" he questions looking at me. I breath out tears pushing their way to the surface. "If what happened with my parents never happened and I was normal, do I think I would've left Wauconda to live my life? The only thing that forced me out of there was the foster system, Which don't get me wrong I am extremely grateful for but honeslty no I don't. I think if i could've lived a normal life I would've become a cop or a teacher." I say he puts his finger under my chin moving my face to look up at him. "But you did get out and you found me. Okay, lets not think about a life that never happened and think of tomorrow." he says "I wouldn't change any of it. It all made me who I am. Gary, my parents, Daniel, all of the trauma made me strong and all of the good, Emily, You, the kids, the team make me happy and make all of that pain and trauma worth it." I say kissing his cheek and lay back on his chest. "I love you Hannah" he says running his fingers through my hair. "I love you too Spencer." I say closing my eyes.

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