"I always respect you as my senior. I know you want to avoid problems at any cost but for the time being, let's solely focus on catching Makishima Shogo alive or dead. I believe Kougami-san and Kagari-kun genuinely want to catch him too and not because they want to escape. If anything happens, I will fully take the responsibility had they done something illegal."

He froze, still holding Akane's eyes before averting his ashamed gaze to Yayoi and Masaoka. It was just a quick move but he knew them well enough to tell what they were thinking of him.

They were getting sick of his scepticism for Kougami when he and the man had worked together the longest and even started as best friends during their school days. They shared the same thought with Kagari who shot 'just stop,' phrase with their respective eyes.

His therapist was right. He should seek therapy as soon as possible instead of being here with them. He claimed that Akane was a rookie inspector who would have a lot on her plate had he chosen to leave temporarily for a treatment but this situation had proved otherwise.

She could manage this situation just fine. None of them needed him here.

"Let's split in two. I will inspect the control room. Ginoza-san, please check the university's lab," Akane said. This time her voice was calmer which defined her attempt to sooth the tense circumstance a bit and even it was already tense.

It was unusual but natural. Unlike her innocent and easily flustered demeanor, Akane knew what she was doing this time. She predicted and guessed Makishima's plans and movements just as precise and sharp as Kougami. Ginoza knew he should focus on the case instead of being petty but he could not help but feeling worried about how each day passed, she had walked more and more into Kougami and Masaoka's path.

One by one... why people always had to be part of his life temporarily and left as if he had no meaning for them?

"I will go with Inspector Tsunemori. If we work with Shion at Headquarters via the main security console, we might be able to get access to the security cameras here," Yayoi supplied.

He knew what to expect when Yayoi and Akane would be together this time.

"Then, we'll be in charge of chasing that man down, huh?" The playful voice, followed by a teasing look from Masaoka was not amusing at all. Rather, he mentally snorted at the idea of working in a team with an enforcer who had been the reason why his childhood and school life had been upside down if it was not because Kougami who had saved him from the bullies.

Their teams in Division 1 had always been definite. Despite Kagari always whined that he wanted to be in the same team with 'cutie' a.k.a Akane which Ginoza could not care less, the enforcer and Yayoi always chased down the criminals with him. The reckless 'troublemakers', Kougami and Masaoka would be stuck with Akane which might be wrong of him to split them in such a way because now, the inspector also ended up as reckless as them.

"Hey, no need to make that face. It was the men who have to do the dirty job, you know," Masaoka made his way to one of the doors which Ginoza had no choices but followed his lead.

"I have a question to ask," Ginoza declared suddenly when seconds passed but no words were exchanged between him and Masaoka. Eyes were trained to be alert to his surrounding, his hand was holding his weapon tightly but all his ears wanted to listen to was Masaoka's answers.

"Here and now? What is it?" Masaoka said nonchalantly.

"Tsunemori being that way... is it because you convinced her to let Kougami and Kagari to do things on their own without an inspector supervising them?"

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