2 - nothing to concern you

Start from the beginning

Lydia and the Shelby boys arrived back at Small Heath and to the group's dismay, they saw belongings scattered across the streets and houses that had been turned over.

"Now what the bloody hell has been going on here?" Arthur said looking around with his eyes wide. 

"Jesus Christ" Tommy added.  

They stopped outside Lydia and Freddie's house to find it completely destroyed and Freddie missing. The boys decided not to leave Lydia there as they were unaware of what had happened and instead took her back to Polly's. 

Everyone gathered around Polly's kitchen table in a state of utter confusion. 

"The coppers told everyone Arthur had agreed to it when he was arrested. They said the Peaky Blinders had cleared out to the fair to let them do it." Polly announced to the group. 

"I never said nothing to that copper about smashing up bloody houses." Arthur said burying his head in his hands. 

"So go on, drink your beers and get out." Polly said lighting her cigarette. 

In the Garrison people who were leaning on the bar had their fingers trodden on as the youngest Shelby walks along the top of it. He reached the end and grabbed the picture of the King from the wall. 

"Fin, lad? What are you doing?" Harry asked the young boy. 

"We're having a fire!" He exclaimed and walked out of the Garrison.

Finn walked with his hand in Lydia's holding a picture of the King in his other. The pair met Scudboat on Watery Lane. "Alright Scud?" Lydia says to the Peaky Blinder. "Alright Lydia." He nodded at her. Ahead a fire was being made by the rest of the gang and images of the King were being burnt.

"Chuck 'em on boys!" Tommy announced staring into the now roaring fire. The orange glow from the fire warmed Lydia's cheeks and Tommy admired her subtly from aside.

 A young man stormed across in front of the Shelbys and Lydia, slightly knocking her as he passed, Lydia stumbled backward until the small of her back hit Thomas Shelby's hand, preventing her from falling any further. The gangster kept his hand there for a moment longer than required. 

"Right, I'm off to work boys. Look after Finn." Lydia said letting go of Finn's hand and kissing each of the Shelby boy's cheeks. 

"I'll walk you Lydia." Tommy said sternly smoking his cigarette and blowing the smoke to the side. 

"What do you think of the new barmaid then Thomas?" Lydia asked the man, intrigued about his thoughts on her. 

"I think she's in the wrong place if she's not a whore." He stated as he strutted the streets of Small Heath. Lydia struggled to keep up with his pace in her heels. 

"Tommy slow down will ya?" Lydia said from behind him holding on to his arm to slow him. 

"I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. The girl has got something I can't quite put my finger on. Just my gut instinct." She added.

"Women and their 'gut instinct', somehow they're always correct." He replied. 

"Precisely Thomas, precisely." Lydia said as she nodded her head to some of her patients walking the streets. 

"You know I hate it when you call me Thomas." He said as the pair stopped outside the hospital. 

"Why else would I call you it?" She joked walking away and into the hospital. With her back to him, she shouted: "Bye Thomas" holding up her hand to wave at him. He chuckled but not loud enough for Lydia to hear. 

It's always been you- Tommy ShelbyWhere stories live. Discover now