Thanksgiving shenanigans

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"Let go," Elias ordered.

"I would if I could, but I can't!" I yelled.

"You could if you would relax your hand!" Elias yelled.

"My hand is relaxed! Get this damn bird off of me!"

"I'm trying!"

Mom came into the kitchen to see why we were yelling. Then she saw my hand shoved up a turkey's ass while Elias tried to pull it off. Gabe came into the kitchen and stopped.

"Tori, I don't want to eat a dinner with your hand shoved up its ass," Gabe mentioned.

"Shut up, Gabriel!" I barked.

Mom smacked Gabe, then tried to help us. "Tori, relax your hand."

"I did!" I screeched.

"Then let go of the neck!" Mom snapped.

I released the neck as the turkey slipped out of our hands and landed on the floor. We stared at the raw poultry on the floor.

"Yeah, I'm going to skip dinner this year," Gabe mentioned.

We looked at Gabe as he left the kitchen. Great. I helped ruin dinner. I suck at cooking.

Mom washed her hands while Elias picked up the turkey, tossing it into the trash. I stood there, realizing I destroyed dinner. Then mom called Nora.

"The bird flew the coop," mom said as we looked at her with confusion. Mom hung up and looked at us.

"Okay, you offered, failed, and now, you're done. Go find something to do and let us handle dinner," mom said.

"But I wanted to cook dinner for everyone," I protested.

"It's a sweet offer, but we want to eat. We won't do that if you cook," mom countered.

I sighed.

"Make sure you wash your hands," mom reminded me.

Elias and I washed our hands. Then mom kicked us out of the kitchen. Did you ever feel dejected? Yeah, that's how I felt about making dinner.

I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch. Elias joined me as I flung my head back.

"Why is it so important for you to cook dinner?" Elias asked me.

I turned my head to face him. "I wanted to thank everyone for helping me. I thought a nice dinner would work. I failed."

"Is that what you think?"

"It's what I know."

"You fail if you don't try. You didn't fail."

I know Elias is right, but I tend to doubt myself a lot. It's hard not to when people say negative comments to you. One negative remark destroys ten positive ones you receive. It's such a vicious cycle.

"How do you manage to stay positive?" I asked Elias.

"It helps when you're deaf, and people see your disability before they see you. You realize who matters and who doesn't. Plus, my nana says I'm perfect." Elias grinned.

I snickered. I love Elias's confidence.

"Don't worry. You have plenty of time to learn how to cook before we get married," Elias mentioned.

The Harper Boys (Wattpad Version)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon